
Today on The Doctors: Fun With Hidden Flasks

Jill Lawson · 03/29/10 02:08PM

Ever since Lindsay Lohan ruined the vodka-in-a-water bottle trick, teenagers everywhere have been searching for a new and better way to hide their alcohol. Watch as The Doctors give them all sorts of hints about how to do just that.

Lindsay Lohan vs. Her Media Persona

Chris Mohney · 11/20/06 12:10PM

J'accuse! Fresh from shooting Aussie nymphettes, perpetually shirtless and tattooed photographer Terry Richardson turns in a gallery of Lindsay Lohan poses for the year-end GQ. And much as we find him kinda loathsome and her kinda sad, the photos do have their charm. Most show Lohan alternately seduced by or in combat with an assortment of celebrity tabloids. She even sets fire to poor Us Weekly.