
Jordan Golson · 10/04/07 06:45PM

Level 3 has cut more than 50 percent off the prices they charge for "content distribution" — the premium Internet service charged to online video purveyors and other bandwidth-intensive sites. It's a blow to competitors Limelight Networks and Akamai. Because Level 3 owns its own telecom backbone, they can afford to undercut the competition. We love ourselves a good price war. [GigaOm]

Loose Wires: Oh foo

Nick Douglas · 08/31/06 10:50PM
  • A compelling play-by-play of the goings-on at FOO Camp '06. We don't know about you, but starting the day watching Kevin Rose popping a zit at an Addictive Users seminar and ending with Moshe Cohen entertaining the masses with his zany clownish antics is well worth the privilege of being a Friend of O'Reilly. [Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog]