
Former 'Reader's Digest' Lady Tells Us How To Live

Sheila · 02/29/08 05:40PM

Former EIC of Reader's Digest, Family Circle, Consumer Reports, and Child Jacqueline Leo gets all shouty over at the HuffPo, that repository of nutjob rants, informed political discussion, and celebrity musings. We're sort of not sure what she's talking about, but she does call us out: in her list of "7 Debtly Sins" that humorously (we think?) suggests America tax the "sloppy, stupid and sinful" to get out of debt, we are at #4, under "Wrath: Working for Gawker or some other 'I'm young, angry and hateful' Internet site that contributes nothing to the society. Wasting one's talent is economically sinful." (Hey, it's not like anybody else could even handle all this talent. We can't all publish 12-page-long large-text versions of Grisham novels!) It only gets rantier:

'WSJ' Cracks Wise About Economic Crisis

Pareene · 01/30/08 05:50PM

The Wall Street Journal has a humor columnist now! We'd make our own little funny about them laughing as the world burns (or the economy recesses, whatevs), but, really, no one is actually laughing at this. "We've called some of our best recessions in the shower or while making an omelet or fishing in Ireland. Our fifth recession, 'Data From a Distant Realm' (Capitol-EMI, 1969), which went platinum, was done in three days in Ringo's basement." It's no "Laughter in Uniform." [WSJ]