
Anti-Smoking Ad Far More Annoying Than Smokers

Hamilton Nolan · 03/24/09 04:26PM

Just because you digitally insert little asterisks over the heads of the shoppers you just totally pissed off does not mean that they're really on your side, smoke Nazis. Messing with people's Gummi Bears like that is just dangerous.

The Liberal Media Mafia's Secret Listserv of Smugness

Hamilton Nolan · 03/17/09 09:17AM

Are you aware that there is a secret "listserv" populated by Washington's most self-important journalists, where they conspire on how to control the world via their influential ramblings? This thing is big! And secret!

PBS Host Suddenly Remembers His Homo Hunt

Ryan Tate · 02/25/09 04:45AM

Bill Moyers told the Washington Post he couldn't remember whether he launched investigations into White House homosexuals. But when the paper's online cousin picked a fight over the issue, the memories came flooding back.

The Smuggest Thing That Has Ever Happened

Ryan Tate · 01/14/09 05:08AM

Barack Obama's inauguration will be a blessed, historic event. Also, a catalyst for liberal self-caricature, starting with $4 latte-sippers watching the ceremonies in coastal Starbucks cafes. On which network?