
Environmentalists Make Exception For Little Plastic Coffee Cups

Hamilton Nolan · 08/04/10 10:00AM

I'm no "LEED certified environmental consultant" or "person with a grasp of basic science," but it seems to me that brewing coffee one cup at a time via disposable plastic "K-cups" is a mite wasteful. Well, that's just "consumer perception."

Nobody Wants to Admit They're a Propagandist

Hamilton Nolan · 07/26/10 09:18AM

A wealthy scion of an American dynasty is using his media knowledge and Hollywood connections to lobby power players to insert subtle liberal messages into movies and TV shows by manipulating their storylines. This is not propaganda, apparently.

Newt Gingrich is Equally Afraid of 'The Left' and Terrorists

Jeff Neumann · 05/20/10 07:13AM

In plugging his new book, the former GOP Speaker of the House writes that leftists have infiltrated nearly all facets of society with their brand of "secular-socialism," and they will destroy America faster than you can say firecracker jihadist.

Starbucks Happily Full of Guns

Hamilton Nolan · 03/02/10 10:42AM

Starbucks is ground zero for gun nuts now! Survivalists, modern-day militiamen, and muttering crazies all prefer Sbux-brand lattes! No longer will Starbucks be seen as a safe haven for liberal pussies! The shooting starts soon.

Reporter Fired for Belief in Reality

Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/10 02:42PM

In your tenuous Tuesday media column: people get fired for crazy reasons, reporters doubling as models, a talking head maybe getting a new job, and journalistic kayak fail.

Yoga For Haiti (Updated)

Hamilton Nolan · 02/08/10 02:08PM

I guess several yoga mats could be combined into some sort of...nah, no idea. We've contacted the yoga studio for comment. Donate now, you selfish bastard. [via James Fallows] UPDATE: A nice lady from the yoga studio explains, below.