
High School Teacher Plans to Complete Sex Change Over Spring Break

Adam Weinstein · 03/24/14 12:59PM

What are you doing with your April vacation, Yosemite High students? Beach reading? Killing some brain cells? That's nice. Your veteran science teacher, the former Army officer, plans to finalize her gender transition and return to the classroom as her "authentic self."

Kristian "Hodor" Nairn Comes Out in Game of Thrones Interview

Jay Hathaway · 03/11/14 04:08PM

Actor Kristian Nairn, who plays Bran Stark's hulking protector, Hodor, in Game of Thrones, has never made a secret of his sexuality. He's been looking for an opening to publicly announce he's gay, and now he's finally found one.

Time-Lapse GIF Proves The Gays Are Taking Over America

Adam Weinstein · 03/05/14 02:25PM

Remember 2004, when Karl Rove got a dingleberry re-elected president in part by mobilizing conservatives to vote down gay marriage in a bunch of states? Well, it's only taken a decade, but gay marriage is winning. And the pace is picking up.

Adam Weinstein · 02/20/14 03:26PM

A "network of conservative religious groups" is pushing new "Jim Crow-style" legislation like Kansas' in at least nine other states—legislation that would make it permanently legal to discriminate against gays and lesbians. Jesus, America, you can be such a dick sometimes.

South Carolina Tries to Punish Colleges for Assigning "Gay" Books

Adam Weinstein · 02/20/14 10:22AM

Legislators in the Palmetto State are attempting to yank funding from two public higher education institutions as political revenge for the schools' use of "books on homosexuality" in their campus orientations for new incoming students.

Adam Weinstein · 02/12/14 01:11PM

A federal judge just struck down Kentucky's law banning the state from recognizing gay marriages performed out-of-state, saying: "No one has offered any evidence that recognizing same-sex marriages will harm opposite-sex marriages."

A Gay Undocumented Latino Could Become UNC's Student President Today

Adam Weinstein · 02/11/14 02:58PM

It's election day at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill! Who's your pick for student body president? You have a 25 percent chance of being represented by Emilio Vicente, a homosexual from Guatemala who clambered into America through a barbed-wire fence when he was six.

America Has Its First Known Gay Eagle Scout, But He May Get Booted

Adam Weinstein · 02/11/14 10:49AM

First, the good news: Pascal Tessier, a senior at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School in Maryland, just became the first openly gay Eagle Scout in the U.S. The bad news: The Boy Scouts are probably going to kick Tessier out in a couple of months.

Adam Weinstein · 02/06/14 05:09PM

"They don't want to see or be seen, only to touch and to be touched in a place where nobody knows them." Jeff Sharlet's long study on the lot of gays in Russia on the eve of the Olympics, "Inside the Iron Closet," is online now. Go, go read.