
Media Bubble: Malcolm Gladwell Thinks Newspapers Are Like Airlines

Jesse · 06/23/06 02:43PM

• We did not go to Slate's pre-party panel discussion last night on the future of newspapers in the internet age, as we long ago decided we'd never attend another print-vs.-web panel. Others have a more flexible stance on this issue. [E&P]
• Speaking of The Note, Eric Boehlert kind of hates it. [Wash. Monthly]
• Lauren Weisberger's eye-catching title, The Devil Wears Prada — by which we mean the actual four words of the title — perhaps wasn't even her own coinage. The horror! [WWD]
• Look, mom! We're in Nexis! [Media Mob/NYO]

Fun With Lexis-Nexis: Like Meth for the Media

Jessica · 08/02/05 12:12PM

Bear with us for a moment: A quick search on LexisNexis reveals that in the past month, there have been no less than 270 articles about crystal meth — and that's excluding the latest issue of Newsweek, which is weighed down with coverage of the drug. So, for the sake of math, let's say there's been 275 media mentions of meth (print only, because factoring in the tv news buzz would probably double the numbers) in the past month. That means that, every day for the past 31 days, there has been 8.87 articles per day about meth.