
Infant Abandoned on Columbus Circle Subway Platform

Aleksander Chan · 07/07/14 05:47PM

A seven-month-old girl was apparently abandoned Monday on a subway platform at Columbus Circle. Witnesses claim seeing a woman walk the child in its stroller off a northbound 1 train, leave the stroller and the child on the platform, and then turn around and get back on the train.

Faithful Yahoo shareholders await Microsoft's second coming

Nicholas Carlson · 06/18/08 12:20PM

While Yahoo shares hover around $23, deep inside Yahoo shareholders' hearts there is a longing for the days when Microsoft actually put a $33 per share offer on the table. The hopeful among these shareholders say that day can come again. Since a complete takeover of the Yahoo board would initiate a change in control severance package which all but precludes a renewed bid from Microsoft, these shareholders now plan to replace only board members who fought to keep Yahoo independent — specifically purple bleeders chairman Roy Bostock, Gary Wilson and Ron Burkle. “If we can handpick the ones to vote out, it might be easier,” one investor told Kara Swisher. “There are a lot of voices on that board that don’t get heard enough and need to.” Another, likely whispering in fervid tones, swathed in tattered rags and blind as a seer told Swisher: “the only thing to do now is to try to convince Microsoft to either make a better search offer and maybe even another bid and get a board in place that will welcome that overture.” (Illustration by Trevor Blake)

Jews Off the Hook At Last as Christian Mini-Moguls Fight Amongst Themselves

STV · 04/16/08 06:30PM

Come for the illustration featuring Jesus locked in fisticuffs with a Jewish studio mogul, but stay a while at Heeb Magazine for Eric Kohn's nifty survey of how Mel Gibson ruined it for the rest of the Christians trying to get a leg up in Hollywood. Well, kind of: It turns out all the conspiracy theories in the world can't explain why, after The Passion grossed $600 million worldwide in 2004, our friends in Christ haven't been able to break through with another global hit for the faithful. Is it the Jews? Is it the MPAA? Or is it just, as one infamous anecdote alludes, that some of these guys make pouty Edward Norton look positively docile in comparison?