
Man Sues Hospital Claiming Surgery Shrunk His Penis

Andy Cush · 06/16/14 10:12AM

In 2011, an anonymous Canadian man fractured his penis while having sex with his wife. As if that indignity wasn't enough, surgery to correct the injury allegedly left him with a dick that was "about an inch" shorter than before.

NSA Out-NSAs Itself in Lawsuit Defense

Andy Cush · 06/11/14 11:55AM

Jewel v. NSA, a lawsuit filed in 2008 — years before the Edward Snowden leaks — takes the National Security Agency to task for the mass surveillance of AT&T customers' communications.

Student Sues Over Professor's Obsession With Her Bondage-Porn Past

Adam Weinstein · 05/06/14 04:09PM

A former Portland State University undergraduate has filed a $1 million lawsuit against her faculty mentor for sexual harassment over the professor's alleged obsession with the student's experiences as a BDSM model and sexual-abuse survivor.

Driver Who Fatally Injured Teen Now Suing Dead Teen's Family

Kelly Conaboy · 04/26/14 01:25PM

A woman who struck three teens on bikes while driving her SUV, killing one and injuring the others, is now suing the deceased teen, his family, and the other two boys. She is claiming $1.35 million in damages for her psychological suffering.