Howard Kurtz Chickened Out On His Own Fox News Show
J.K. Trotter · 01/27/14 12:58PMHoward Kurtz Lied About Business Ties To Fox News Contributor
J.K. Trotter · 01/14/14 12:00PM
Fox News anchor Howard Kurtz has repeatedly claimed, most famously during a live interrogation on CNN, that his relationship with Fox News contributor Lauren Ashburn amounted to a “limited venture” for which the MediaBuzz host was compensated on a piecemeal “freelance basis.” Confidential documents obtained by Gawker, however, tell a dramatically different story.
Behind The Slow-Motion Death of Howard Kurtz’s Weird Website
J.K. Trotter · 12/04/13 02:15PM
BuzzFeed’s Andrew Kaczynski noted on Tuesday that The Daily Download, the obscure media-news website founded by Fox News anchor Howard Kurtz and his business partner Lauren Ashburn, has disappeared. Yet only a few months ago Ashburn was hyping the site’s traffic to contributors. “Lauren told me that at one point it had a half million views per day,” Lorraine Murphy, a Vancouver web consultant who wrote for the site between May and August of this year, told Gawker. So what happened?