
Shia And The Real Girl

Douglas Reinhardt · 09/17/08 03:10PM

Click to At the world premiere for his latest film, Eagle Eye, Shia LaBeouf brought a unique guest along with him: an anatomically correct, life-sized Megan Fox doll. Fox wanted to attend the premiere with her Transformers co-star, but scheduling conflicts prevented her from making it last night. So in order to show Shia that she still cares, Fox spent the afternoon being poked and prodded by the Transformers special FX wizards. While she felt that the team got a little bit handsy during the molding sessions, she was assured that it was completely necessary in order to create the fully working and stunningly lifelike doll. LaBeouf was initially disappointed when he learned that Fox was cancelling on him, but that feeling was quickly replaced with delight when he discovered the foxy clone in his trailer. Reportedly, he has been making the most of his new present. LaBeouf said, “Looks like somebody will be riding in the carpool lane from now on.” [Photo Credit: Splash Pics] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.

A Realdoll Factory Tour To See Where Lars's Bianca Was Born

seth · 10/17/07 04:08PM

The AP pays a visit to the birthplace of indie's newest it-girl, Bianca—star of Lars and the Real Girl—for a we-really-didn't-need-to-see-that peek inside the factory to see how the Realdoll sausage is made. Staring at the stacks of silicone molds and wall of interchangeable heads, we can't help but wonder if we're glimpsing Hollywood's synthespian-dependent future, where any poorly testing lead is easily replaced with the back of a hammer.

'Lars And The Real Girl' Embarks On Faith-Based Sex-Doll Initiative

seth · 10/11/07 11:58AM

With Lars and the Real Girl set to open in various markets over the next few weeks—it's the buzzed-about Ryan Gosling film about a lonely misfit deluded into thinking he's fallen in love with a mail-order silicone sex doll—producers are facing a marketing challenge: Sure, the concept alone might sell tickets to a built-in, RealDoll-enthusiast audience, who'll arrive opening night with high hopes of cheerleading costumes and raunchy, multi-doll orgies. But how to get the rest of America to warm to what is in actuality a mild and sweet-natured film about small town, churchgoing folk? One solution, employed by Hollywood in the past to varying degrees of success, is to target one's sex-doll movie directly to the Christians who'd most identify with its message of universal tolerance:

Ryan Gosling's Co-Star Already Earning 'Best Supporting Sex Doll' Buzz

seth · 08/07/07 12:00PM

Following the "one for them, one for me" career strategy employed by more than a few talented Hollywood actors, Ryan Gosling's follow-up to Fracture is another modestly budgeted, indie character study: Lars and the Real Girl pairs the dreamy star of The Notebook with an inflatable love interest named Bianca, whom he repeatedly boasts to his family works as a "missionary."