
Tyra Banks Enjoys Being Naked, In the Right Light

Andrew Belonsky · 09/23/09 05:00AM

Tyra lets it hang out. Paparazzi want to hang Tom and Gisele out for an alleged shooting. And Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze, Jr are hanging out with a new baby. Welcome to your Wednesday morning gossip roundup!

Snide Alec Baldwin Taken In Hand By Joy Behar

Ryan Tate · 12/18/08 05:54AM

How is it Joy Behar has escaped our attention as a masterful interviewer for so long? Subbing on Larry King Live last night, she had her way with a prickly, pushy Alec Baldwin.

Larry King To Pregnant Man: 'Do You Feel Gay?'

Ryan Tate · 11/18/08 05:48AM

Larry King's interview with "pregnant man" Thomas Beatie, now expecting his second child, was a new landmark in uncomfortable television. The CNN host asked if Beatie (formerly a woman) "felt gay," if his wife "felt gay," if the pregnancy might violate the U.S. Constitution and then he gave this sort of dissatisfied grunt when wife Nancy tried to say she knew her husband was a man in his heart. Maybe King, having wed seven times, was just jealous that someone has had a more diverse marriage experience than he has. Click the video icon to watch.

Befuddled Old Man Has Own TV Show

Pareene · 04/24/08 11:51AM

Last night on Larry King Live a very old man dropped something, accidentally, and didn't notice. Someone gently pointed it out to him, and he looked down, apparently confused as to how that thing ended up in his lap. Mr. King's contract was recently extended through 2010, and apparently that big old-timey radio mic on the desk is just a prop.

Jenny McCarthy Calls "Bullshit" On Your "Medical Science"

Pareene · 04/03/08 10:41AM

Larry King had noted medical expert/softcore video star Jenny McCarthy on the program last night to talk about AUTISM. Specifically, how it's caused by VACCINATING YOUR CHILDREN. This is patent conspiratorial nonsense, but it's very popular conspiratorial nonsense. Of course, in a battle between concerned, credulous parents and medical experts, the media will generally frame it as, say, Debate Rages Anew on Vaccine-Autism Link. Faced with a panel of three trained pediatricians, Ms. McCarthy shouted "BULLSHIT" twice. Then Larry put it to an internet poll. Clip after the jump!