
Bay: Blowing Shit Up Is Twice As Awesome With FIOS

mark · 02/14/08 09:09PM

· Things Michael Bay considers awesome: Blowing shit up, tigers in his living room, fiber-optic internet access. Especially the first one.
· We completely forgot to watch The Moment of Truth last night, but thanks to Fox's handy YouTube recaps, we got all caught up in just two minutes. We'll never suffer through another drawn out pause between the lie-detecting robot lady's "The answer is..." and an anticlimactic "TRUE!" again!
· Here's a handy guide to how some celebrities are spending their Valentine's Day. It's interesting because they're famous!
· Incarcerated former Prison Break star Lane Garrison and Access Hollywood are pen pals! Tomorrow: Dr. Drew reads aloud from Pat O'Brien's sobriety diary on Celebrity Rehab.

22 Conversations About One Lane Garrison Thing

mark · 08/02/07 07:30PM

· Ever find yourself wondering what Survivor legend Sue Hawk is doing with herself these days? Wonder no more: Thanks to a visit from Access Hollywood, we know she's blasting snakes with a shotgun and lighting shit on fire with a propane torch. In other words: Exactly what we thought she'd be doing. Hey, beats going to jail for tax evasion.
· In case you have any doubt about who owns the Lane Garrison beat, here's one TMZ for each post they've run about his court appearance today: TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ, TMZ.
· "There are pilots who can fly a plane. But Tom Cruise has the soul of flyer. I saw that right from the start."
· When you've got a celebrity murder trial jury you need to keep well fed, these are the guys you call.
· At the Chateau Marmont's grade school cafeteria, Victoria Beckham is becoming the smelly kid no one wants to sit near.

Robin Williams Delights Thai Restaurant Patrons With Impressions Of Thai Elvis, Thai John Wayne, Thai Jack, Thai Rabbi...

seth · 06/08/07 03:19PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and tell everyone about the time you spotted the cutie-pie accidental teen-killer of your dreams eating Chinese food one table away from you.

Lane Garrison Hopes Throwing Himself On Mercy Of Court Wins Him Hilton-Style Accomodations

seth · 05/21/07 06:00PM

An update on the sad case of Lane Garrison, an actor you likely hadn't heard of until the night he befriended a trio of teenagers and escorted them to a Beverly Hills High School party (just like your own high school parties but with less making out to Duran Duran, and more cocaine and age-inappropriate TV star cameos), resulting in an ill-fated Grey Goose run that killed one and seriously injured two others. Garrison pled guilty today at his arraignment at the Beverly Hills Courthouse:

Lane Garrison Looking At Up To Six Years Without A Prison Break

seth · 03/08/07 04:18PM

Former Prison Break actor Lane Garrison, who, we think it's safe to say, is probably having a worse year than you, found out the charges being filed against him for accidentally killing a teen after plowing his SUV into a tree while allegedly impaired by a generous, Beverly Hills high school party-sized serving of Grey Goose and blow. Reports the LAT:

Investigation Determines Lane Garrison's Biggest Mistake Was Getting Caught Up In The Beverly Hills High School Party Lifestyle

seth · 01/31/07 08:44PM

You may recall the Lane Garrison accident from early December. By way of utterly depressing review: the former Prison Break actor made some teenage friends at a Beverly Hills grocery store one Saturday night, accompanied them to a house party, allegedly downed several shots of vodka, then later struck a tree with them in his SUV, injuring two and killing Beverly Hills High School student Vahagn Setian. A press conference held by Beverly Hills police today delivered the results of their investigation, including three separate charges, listed in decreasing order of fucked to fuckedest:

Lane Garrison's 'One Drink' Actually Several Bite-Sized Mini-Drinks Called 'Shots'

seth · 12/06/06 02:14PM

When Lane Garrison's attorney announced that his client had consumed a single drink at the high school party he stumbled into Saturday night after randomly befriending three teenagers—then offered a Variety Pak of defenses for the ensuing fatal crash—surely he must have known that it wouldn't be long before the many party attendees would come forward with their own, eyewitness accounts of events. And short of developing a "they all drank from the same hallucinogen-laced punchbowl!" tactic, it seems that his One Drink Defense is not going to hold up:

Fansite Abandons Lane Garrison In Hour Of Need

mark · 12/05/06 05:25PM

A reader directed us to Lane Garrison 101, the "very first and only Lane Garrison fan site" (well, with the possible exception of this one) which has put itself on hiatus following the Prison Break actor's well-documented, tragic car crash. We understand the impulse to temporarily take the site down, but we'd argue that he needs his fans—especially ones dedicated enough to erect a web presence celebrating a performer we'd never heard of before yesterday—now more than ever to provide much-needed moral support while his lawyer valiantly battles to prove that the unfortunate combination of faulty brakes, bad alignment, and a possibly spiked cup of keg beer was responsible for the accident.

'Prison Break' Actor Lane Garrison's Lawyer: 'My Client Was Just Playing Carpool Mom'

seth · 12/05/06 02:18PM

It has now been determined that it was indeed actor Lane Garrison behind the wheel of the tragic accident that claimed the life of Vahagn Setian, a popular 17-year-old student at Beverly Hills High School, and injured two other 15-year-old girls Saturday night. (For those unfamiliar with Garrison's work as Eminem-wannabe inmate Tweener on Prison Break, a fan posted this highlight reel on YouTube, in which he demonstrates a repeated reluctance to being made many an inmate's bitch.) Garrison has retained attorney Harold Braun for his defense, who, despite offering several alternative scenarios to counter the currently popular "drunkenly plowed into a tree" theory, is still having trouble getting around the whole "my client picked up a bunch of teenagers at a supermarket and accompanied them to a party" part of the story. The LAT reports: