
Lady Gaga Cooked a Turkey Casserole and Other Thanksgiving Treats

Max Read · 11/26/10 10:16AM

Lady Gaga cooked up a "little monster casserole." Michael Douglas took his kids to Epcot. Mel Gibson tried to get some (proof that his ex was taking) Oxycodone. Friday's gossip is still recovering from the sweet potato marshmallow casserole.

The A-List: Gay Housewives Sing the Blues

Brian Moylan · 11/23/10 12:32PM

The Real Housewives of Everycity, USA, are all putting out singles, so that means the Gay Housewives should have one too, right? Wrong! But what if it's about "Don't Ask, Don't Tell?" You can't hate it then, right? Double wrong!

10 Halloween Costumes to Avoid

Brian Moylan · 10/15/10 02:33PM

Everyone's thinking—or at least should be thinking—about what they're going to dress up as for Halloween. Don't fall into the trap and wear one of these clichéd costumes that everyone else will have on. You can do better!