
Lacoste Doesn't Appreciate Norwegian Terrorist's Free Advertising

Jeff Neumann · 09/08/11 07:23AM

Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik — a big fan of wetsuits, hazmat suits and Lacoste sweaters — has enraged iconic French fashion brand Lacoste by mentioning the company in his manifesto and wearing it repeatedly outside of jail. In fact, the unwanted attention is getting so bad that the company has written to Norwegian authorities to ask that they stop letting Breivik wear Lacoste. From the Telegraph:

Prepster Designer Lacoste Licked In Court By Family Dentists

Maggie · 01/03/08 04:20PM

Yuppie clothier Lacoste just got its French ass handed to it for a second time during a court battle to protect its trademark crocodile logo. Who dared impinge on its copyright? A pair of British dentists who hung the sign on the left here outside their offices. The court ruled against Lacoste and fined the company £1,450 for legal costs but resisted the impulse to fine them further for being petty colorblind jackasses. [Reuters]