
The End of Automatic Tipping Has Devastated Restaurant Paychecks 

Hamilton Nolan · 03/16/16 03:00PM

Unless you work in a restaurant, you may not have noticed that many restaurants no longer include “automatic gratuities” on the checks of large groups. But if you do work in a restaurant, this little change may have left you financially destroyed.

The Labor Movement Fucked Up By Supporting Hillary Clinton

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/16 08:33AM

In a campaign that is increasingly being defined by the public’s weariness with inequality and aspects of free trade, the labor movement has settled on Hillary Clinton as its presumptive presidential preference. The labor movement is fucking up.

Tech Workers Should Unionize

Hamilton Nolan · 03/07/16 11:56AM

Last week, the drivers who shuttle San Francisco Google employees to work voted to unionize with the Teamsters. How long until their passengers do the same thing?

New Jersey Commuters, Prepare for Hell

Hamilton Nolan · 03/02/16 09:20AM

Chris Christie may be out of the presidential race, but soon he will get a chance to revel in the glory of plunging thousands of his state’s commuters into a living hell. It’s almost time for a transit strike!

How to Harass Union Members in Incredibly Petty Ways

Hamilton Nolan · 02/26/16 02:12PM

Some companies work well with their employees’ unions. Some companies tolerate them. And some companies—like TEGNA, the media company that used to be Gannett—seeks to find the most small-minded ways to make union members’ lives miserable.

By Dying, Antonin Scalia Saves Public Sector Unions 

Hamilton Nolan · 02/15/16 09:25AM

Even if President Obama cannot get a new Supreme Court justice confirmed before he leaves office, Antonin Scalia may have singlehandedly saved America’s public sector unions by dying when he did.

Bustle and the Industrialization of Confession

Rich Juzwiak · 02/04/16 03:55PM

Imagine you just started at a new job. You work remotely and have never met your boss in person. Nonetheless, on your first day of work, she asks you questions generally reserved for close friends: What was your family like growing up? Do you smoke weed? Do drugs? Enjoy casual sex? Have you ever had a threesome? Have you ever had group sex (more than three)? Have you been sexually assaulted? Have you ever had an abortion?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/16 09:31AM

Thousands of Uber drivers are reportedly planning a strike to disrupt this weekend’s Super Bowl in San Francisco. Meanwhile, Uber itself is an “official partner” of the Super Bowl. Sounds like a “Super” example of capitalism’s internal contradictions!

Hundreds of Uber Drivers Are Striking in New York City

J.K. Trotter · 02/01/16 02:25PM

Several hundred New York City-based Uber drivers are collectively striking against the car-sharing startup today, according to fliers distributed to riders over the past few days and a Facebook event page administered by a driver named Farrukh Khamdamov. According to that page’s description, the strike (and an accompanying demonstration at Uber’s Long Island City headquarters) are intended to protest the company’s recent decision to slash ride fares in the New York area by fifteen percent: