
Lacey Donohue · 09/12/13 07:47PM

There's sorta hope. The California Legislature just approved a bill to raise the minimum wage to $10 an hour by the start of 2016. Currently the highest state minimum wage in the country is in Washington state, where workers make $9.19 an hour.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/06/13 08:16AM

Organizers say that 100 people were arrested in 11 cities across the country yesterday during protests over Wal-Mart's low wages. They also say they plan to protest Wal-Mart stores on Black Friday, just like last year.

At the New York City Fast Food Strike

Hamilton Nolan · 08/29/13 01:59PM

Today, a right wing think tank ran a full page Wall Street Journal ad implying that a rise in the minimum wage would cause fast food workers to be replaced by robots. The prospect of robo-dystopia did not deter the hundreds of chanting protesters who bent the corner of Broadway and Nassau at 11:15 this morning.

A Few More True Stories from Amazon Workers

Hamilton Nolan · 08/06/13 01:30PM

Yesterday, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post. This seems like as good a time as any to roll out a few more true stories from the Amazon warehouse workers who make the whole machine go. Jeff Bezos wouldn't be here without them.

Cord Jefferson · 07/30/13 11:43AM

With fast-food workers around the country striking for better pay, a new study finds that McDonald's could double all of its employees' wages and benefits—including the CEO's—and the cost of a Big Mac would only increase by 68 cents. The Dollar Menu would increase to $1.17.

What Is Life Like For an Amazon Worker?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/13 11:48AM

One of these days— maybe sooner, maybe later, but definitely one of these days—Amazon will become the new king of retail consumerism in America. We know what it's like working for Wal-Mart and Target. But what is life like for the faceless workers that make Amazon go?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/11/13 10:43AM

"Scabby," the giant inflatable rat that the Teamsters union sets up to protest nonunion workplaces, was stabbed by a scab in Chicago last weekend. The Rat Stab Scab was arrested. The judge on the case is named "Adam Bourgeois."

And Now, a Few More Stories From Wal-Mart Employees

Hamilton Nolan · 07/09/13 02:57PM

In the past, we have brought you several volumes of true stories from Wal-Mart workers, describing what life is like as an employee of the biggest retailer on earth. Union-busting and heartless corporate behavior stories abounded. Today, we bring you a few more plaintive wails from inside the Walton empire.

Costco: The Anti-Wal-Mart

Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/13 04:53PM

The must-read capitalist profile of the week is BloombergBusinessweek's look at Costco and its CEO, Craig Jelinek. Costco is the second-largest retailer in America, after Wal-Mart. Their business practices could hardly be more different.

Companies: We Only Rip Off Our Workers All the Time By Accident

Hamilton Nolan · 05/15/13 12:51PM

It's shocking to consider, but sometimes employers try to rip off their own employees. And sometimes those employees sue. More employees are suing every year, as a matter of fact. Why? Well, it's definitely not the fault of employers, say employers.

Hamilton Nolan · 05/08/13 11:47AM

Amazon warehouse workers are forced to stand in line for 20 minutes or more— unpaid— at the end of their shifts, waiting for guards to search them for anything they might have stolen from work. They're suing, rightly.

Over 70 Killed in Garment Factory Collapse

Max Read · 04/24/13 07:29AM

A day after cracks were discovered in the building's edifice—but supervisors forced workers to work anyway—an eight-story garment factory and commercial center in Bangladesh collapsed, killing at least 70 people and injuring hundreds more. The disaster is the latest in a string of horrific workplace accidents at facilities owned and operated by the country's garment industry, which is among the world's largest—and cheapest.

Republicans Are Looking Out for Poor Minorities, Really, They Swear

Hamilton Nolan · 02/18/13 02:59PM

Conservatives argue that black people should oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants, since immigrants can be expected to take low-wage jobs from black people. The WSJ's editorial page says that minorities should oppose a minimum wage hike, because it will end up costing them jobs. (They treat this as a simple economic fact, which it is not.) There's nothing like the hint of a new liberal policy to cause widespread concern for the welfare of poor minorities among Republicans.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/24/13 09:58AM

Only 11.3% of American workers now belong to unions, the lowest percentage in nearly a century.