
Hair Arson Caps Billionaire Lesbian Brawl

Ryan Tate · 01/14/09 10:28AM

Patrick Swayze is battling a reportedly rapidly-advancing disease beyond his control while young heiresses Courtenay Semel is viciously fighting with her heiress ex for no real reason whatsoever.

abalk · 07/11/07 10:03AM

Who got the final interview with the late Kurt Vonnegut? Depends who you talk to. Strictly speaking, there's no last interview at all. [NYO]

Short Ends: Wherein We Refuse To Go With The "So It Goes" Headline

mark · 04/12/07 09:47PM

· We really were hoping to find a YouTube clip of Kurt Vonnegut, maybe our all-time favorite writer, making his cameo in Back to School. But this will have to do for now.
· If Lowermybills.com waits a couple of weeks, they can probably get the real deal to do their ads.
· $75,000 was a small price to pay for raising local veterans' awareness of M:i:III.
· Madonna swears she's not in Malawi to adopt another child, but hasn't explicitly ruled out the possibility of just buying one straight-up this time around.

A Note To Memoirists About Time

Choire · 04/12/07 12:43PM

Notable in the Times obit today: "The defining moment of Mr. Vonnegut's life was the firebombing of Dresden, Germany, by Allied forces in 1945.... His experience in Dresden was the basis of 'Slaughterhouse-Five,' which was published in 1969...."

Kurt Vonnegut—Anthropologist, Lover of Dogs, Smoker Of Pall Malls—Is Dead At 84

Choire · 04/12/07 01:47AM

My books so far have argued that most human behavior, no matter how ghastly or ludicrous or glorious or whatever, is innocent. And here seems as good a place as any to include a statement made to me by Marsha Mason, the superb actress who once did me the honor of starring in a play of mine. She, too, is from the Middle West, from St. Louis.

Remainders: Kurt Vonnegut's Liberal Bias

Jessica · 09/14/05 05:30PM

• Courtesy of The Daily Show's extra footage, it's author Kurt Vonnegut's unaired list of liberal crap he never wants to hear again. [CC]
• Does even the fashion set find fashion underwhelming? Can we not rally for Fashion Week fabulousness? Or did Katrina wash away our sense of style, too? [NYO]
• NYC IS EDGY, so much so that your Vitamin Water may be made of Drano. [Release the Kraken]
• Not even confetti dares to touch Vogue editor Anna Wintour. [OAN]
• Because sucking off Vincent Gallo in Brown Bunny simply wasn't enough, actress Chloe Sevigny has now taken on the role of a nun-ho. [Cinematical]
• Foxy Brown is being sued by designer Tanya Manderson, who alleges that the rapper falsely accused Manderson of beating the crap out of her in a bathroom. Clearly, the guilty party was actually Naomi Campbell. [KGET]
• And, finally, another devastating blow to The Gays: Central Park's famous homo penguins have broken up, as one chose to explore a relationship with a female. [ChiTrib]

A brief conversation with Kurt Vonnegut

Gawker · 02/25/03 05:09PM

Kurt Vonnegut's response to the NYT's Joyce Wadler at Clive Davis' Grammy party last night: "I'm here because Jill [Krementz] wants to be here."
[Wadler asks,] Would he like to tell us about music he loves?
"No, I don't like your newspaper."
[Wadler asks,] Why?
"You don't like me," he said, walking away.
Don't shoot! That's Aretha's hair! [NYT]