
What's Your Biggest Fear?

Andy Cush · 10/16/15 11:38AM

My worst nightmare is being trapped in an enclosed space with lots of bugs. It’s on my mind all the time: Recently, I dreamt a plate-sized spider with legs made of those weird fingery mushrooms was roaming my apartment and I couldn’t get away from it. What’s yours?

What Email Subject Lines Terrify You?

Aleksander Chan · 02/23/15 11:30AM

In an entertaining game of wits published yesterday on Medium, writers Virginia Heffernan and Paul Ford spent two months attempting to instill the fear of God in the other with their email subject lines. You know the kind.

Tell Us Your Holiday Horror Stories

Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/25/14 12:55PM

By now, most of your presents are opened, the torn, crumpled wrapping paper strewn among the dry pine needles on the floor. The egg nog is dangerously low, and you've probably started to run out of ways to distract yourself from your family. But fear not, dear reader, for someone probably has it worse than you.

Welcome to Group Chats

Max Read · 03/13/14 08:33AM

"Group chats," the newest design iteration of Gawker Media LLC's proprietary Kinja® blog-platform technology, are now live on Gawker, and will be rolled out across the Gawker Media network by the end of the day. Read on for more.

Max Read · 03/11/14 01:18PM

Twitter is down! Come leave your half-formed thoughts here instead.

That Viral "Poor" Writer Isn't a Hoaxer, But I Wouldn't Give Her Money

Adam Weinstein · 12/05/13 04:41PM

By now, you have probably heard of Linda Walther Tirado, aka "Killer Martinis," the Gawker commenter gone viral for her first-person "poverty thoughts." You may have also heard people say she's a privileged full-of-crap grifter. The truth is weirder and far more complex.

Boss Writes Memo

Nick Denton · 04/11/13 10:47AM

Nick Denton, who owns Gawker Media, sent out the following memo today:

The Purpose of Gawker

Nick Denton · 10/15/12 01:53PM

This memo, intended for Gawker Media employees, was published on earlier today. In the interest of sharing our mission to bring editorial and commercial conversation with our readers — those who, under our new discussion platform, truly control it — it is being republished in full here.