
Gossip Roundup: Three TomKat Items for the Price of One

Jessica · 05/08/06 11:29AM

• Red-carpet watchers spend far too long studying pictures of TomKat and conclude that Cruise has started wearing lifts too appear less Lilliputian. Developing... [Lowdown]
• And in other TomKat news, did the Church of Scientology buy $9,000 worth of tickets for their messiah's premiere of MI:3? If so, it certainly didn't do much to bolster the box office — and besides, wouldn't Tom host a free screening at the Celebrity Center? [Hollywood Interrupted]
• Finally, lest TomKat make a single, undocumented move, Tom spends over $900 on Mother's Day flowers for his captured bride-to-be. [Scoop]
• The bloating makes her cranky: Britney Spears refuses to pay for K-Fed to go to Vegas for a weekend on her dime, and thus her husband is grounded without allowance. [Page Six]
• Kimora Lee gets no public love from her semi-estranged husband Russell Simmons, who publicly treats his Phat Baby like a leper. [R&M (last item)]
• Publicist Jonathan Cheban sells off his Clarendon clothing label and launches a new one called Kritik. Because everyone's one — get it? Sure to be loved by many a spelling-challenged Lohan. [Page Six]

Remainders: Payola Six, Etc.

Jessica · 04/10/06 06:07PM

• David Patrick Columbia tells the story of Ron Burkle. Our favorite part is about midway, when we learn that Ron used hidden cameras to videotape his then-wife's affair with her personal trainer. Fucking the help is so clichéd; hidden cameras, even more so. Update: NYSD makes a correction to this item. [NYSD]
• And then there's the result, Ron Burkle's messy divorce: Interestingly, the Democrats in the California legislature (the same Democrats that count Burkle as a major supporter) are pushing forward legislation that would keep his divorce records from becoming public information. Pity — the public would love to read about who's been on that private jet. [America's Finest Blog]
• Did Harvey Weinstein lie to the poor ol' Gray Lady about his connections to Page Six? Nikki Finke wouldn't put it past him, and she's totally right. [Deadline Hollywood]
• Dealbook proudly presents the Page Six Mogul Index. We lurve it. [Dealbook]

Gossip Roundup: Russell and Kimora Not Quite Separated, But Not Quite Married, Either

Jessica · 04/04/06 11:55AM

• Though they announced their separation on Friday, Russell Simmons claims that things are rather cozy between him and Kimora, and there's still a chance for reconciliation. But don't tell that to Denise Vasi, the 23-year-old who's been dating Russell. [Lowdown]
• Howard Stern warns Katie that should she go to CBS, ratings will drop and CBS will find a way not to pay her. Then what? We can't see her legs on satellite radio. [Page Six]
• Nicole Kidman is rumored to have had her 11-year marriage to bouncy psycopath Tom Cruise annulled so that she can marry Keith Urban in a Catholic ceremony. Cue flack denials. [Scoop]
• For the public opening of his company, Diddy misses the bell at the NYSE. Can't expect a playa to get up before 12, yo. [Page Six]
• Now that he's off of cocaine, actor Kiefer Sutherland has redirected his focus towards cooking. Since he loved the ritual of preparing his stash for consumption, he now gets off on the crushing and cutting garlic cloves. [R&M (2nd item)]

Kimora and Russell Break America's Heart

Jessica · 03/31/06 12:22PM

We'd be lying if we said we weren't recently watching VH1's Fabulous Life of Celebrity Wives (or some similarly titled mind-numbing show), so today's news leaves us particularly devastated: Kimora Lee and Russell Simmons are filing for divorce. If you want to stay in tonight, wrapped in a Baby Phat sweatshirt and sobbing into your Chubby Hubby, we understand.

Calling All Beautiful People: Baby Phat Needs You!

Jessica · 02/13/06 09:14AM

Now that Fashion Week has finally ended and the queer and fabulous have moved on to the next party, you can resume your usual routine of trying to become a supermodel (and oh, you will, darling — now that those attention-grabbing Croatian whores have left Bryant Park, the spotlight is yours). Your next big audition is this Thursday, at an open call for Kimora Lee Simmons' Baby Phat line:

Remainders: Steve-O Is Black on the Inside

Jessica · 08/10/05 05:30PM

• We hear that Steve-O of Jackass fame was spotted claiming that he was "as niggery as fuck" to the black bouncer outside of LES bar Max Fish. Just in case you were wondering.
• Congrats to our baby brother, who finally got his first legal threat from Tom Cruise's lawyer. [Defamer]
• One of the Jonathan Brooklyn writers has a new website, complete with new essays. Just in case, you know, you're looking for something to do. [JL via Beatrice]
• We know you'd never limit your judging abilities to the denizens of NYC media. Share your talent and vote for the hottest brokers. Yep, August is really that slow. [Curbed]
• Courtney Love is off some sort of wagon. [CityRag]
• The LES Starbucks debate continues to putter along. Considering this furor seems to have found its home in the blogosphere, we're inclined to note that the people bitching (ourselves included) are kinda the reason there's a 'bucks on the way. [Eat Drink One Woman]
• Kimora Lee Simmons, the A&E Intervention! [WNBC]