
San Francisco rules

Gawker · 01/23/03 09:05AM

A foretaste of Bloomberg's brave New York, last night, at the party for Laura Rich's book on Paul Allen. Apart from Sridhar Pappu and Keith Kelly, most of the hacks were San Francisco refugees, as was the host, which set the tone: no smoking inside, and a huddle of misfits in the 10
chill on the fire escape. A book party so smoke-free even Michael Bloomberg would have felt comfortable.

The Accidental Zillionaire: Demystifying Paul Allen

Radar money update

Gawker · 01/17/03 11:46AM

Keith Kelly reports that Harvey Weinstein may be considering funding Maer Roshan's new mag, Radar. Yes, this is the same Harvey whose Miramax lost $27 million on Talk, Maer's former employer. Then again, as far as we know, Harvey's never overtly threatened to kill or maim any of the top Talk alumni, and maybe that constitutes a "good relationship"$27 million notwithstanding.
It's Christmas in January [Keith Kelly - Post]