
Instagram Backtracks on The Whole "Evil Terms of Use" Thing

Adrian Chen · 12/18/12 07:41PM

Instagram changed its terms of use yesterday, and it looked like they would be ushering in a dystopian future where our every Instagram photo would be sold to the highest bidder, and perhaps projected onto massive blimps branded with McDonald's logos as the blimps fly around the rotted-out-husks of what once were great American cities. Everyone freaked out. But now Instagram says they were mis-understood.

Instagram CEO Wants You to Think That Everything is Cool (Shhhhhhh)

Jordan Sargent · 12/18/12 07:09PM

Instagram did a very stupid thing yesterday when it updated its Terms of Agreement in a fashion that made people think that the photo app was going to sell its content to companies to use in advertisements. This (almost certainly) is not going to happen, but Instagram learned a valuable lesson about the specificity of legal language. Due to the intense blowback on the Internet today, Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom (pictured above at some tech conference) posted a blog post that tries to clear up much of the confusion.