
Leo LaPorte, "drunk and out of control," calls for Kevin Rose boycott

Owen Thomas · 05/19/08 06:20PM

Why is tech podcaster Leo LaPorte picking a fight with Digg's Kevin Rose? He's jealous of Rose's Twitter following, and is making it a requirement that his listeners drop Rose and add him on Twitter to be eligible for a giveaway. LaPorte later regretted the call for a Rose ban, saying he was "drunk and out of control." Isn't that a prerequisite for listening to a podcast, let alone producing one?

Hulu nabs Diggnation and other Revision3 shows

Jackson West · 05/15/08 02:40PM

Hulu, the online video site created as a joint venture between NBC and News Corp., will distribute shows from content startup Revision3, which focuses on shows broadly related to technology. Now you can easily switch between WWE wrestling matches and watching Alex Albrecht and Kevin Rose getting drunk without having to turn off your laptop. [Silicon Alley Insider]

Would you pay $999 for a customized Tumblr? Trustafarian bloggers will!

Nicholas Carlson · 05/07/08 02:40PM

A couple weeks ago, when we showed you how to redesign your Tumblr for free, we mentioned that a company called Tumblize plan to charge $499 for the very same service. We were wrong. Andrew Wilkinson's Tumblize, launched today, will design you a customized Tumblr for "just $999." Startled by that kind of nonironic usage of the word just? Don't be. If Tumblr's blogging hordes have taught us anything, it's that earnest is the new ironic. Besides, Tumblize already has customers offering testimonials. Simon Frankson extols:

Kevin Rose in fender bender

Jackson West · 04/29/08 11:12PM

Don't worry, everyone, Digg founder Kevin Rose will be just fine. Multiple tipsters sent messages to let us know that Rose ended up entangled in some unwanted Audi-on-Audi action. Ever the early adopter, Rose even uploaded video showing the damage to both vehicles. Smart move — now the owner of the other car can't get away with trying to convince Rose's insurer that the damage was anything more than a cosmetic scratch. Best excuse we've seen for having an account on mobile video publishing service Qik so far after the jump.

How to upgrade your Tumblr theme so people will think you're cool

Nicholas Carlson · 04/25/08 02:40PM

David Karp's blogging platform Tumblr, popular with creative types and those who dress like them in Sanfrooklyn, allows its users to modify their themes. And, just like the kids on MySpace, the users show them off to each other. Custom Tumblr themes have real social currency. Much like collecting pogs in sixth grade. And, as with pogs, you can be the rich kid and just buy yourself social superiority — Digg founder Kevin Rose and Connected Ventures cofounder Ricky Van Veen bought themes from for $499. But for those of you on a college student or barista budget, click through for our step-by-step guide on how upgrading your Tumblr theme with no CSS, HTML or any other nerdy acronyms required.

Yes, that's Jay Adelson rapping and Kevin Rose not dancing

Nicholas Carlson · 04/23/08 05:40PM

IAC's Connected Ventures may have done it first, and AOLers in France may have done it better, but give Digg's companywide lip-synching video credit. Skip ahead to check out Jay Adelson at 2:02. Rewind from there to see Kevin Rose Digg underlings jumping up on a conference-room table. (Founder Kevin Rose doesn't actually appear until the very end, where he declares the group "crazy" and leaves. For his future dignity, a wise move. No one has, as yet, leaked footage of Barry Diller or Randy Falco wearing shades and rapping.) Full clip is below:

Even Gary Vaynerchuk couldn't save Revision3's Web-video pitch

Nicholas Carlson · 04/18/08 12:40PM

Revision3 videoblogger Martin Sargent began the closing keynote at Ad:tech — also a live taping of his talk show Internet Superstar — with a video tour through the conference floor. The best part was when Sargent walked over to a booth. "So you're Smiley Media?" he asked. "That's us." Sargent: "What the fuckk are you so happy about?" The Daily Show's Rob Corddry couldn't have done it better. It was a good moment for Web TV, made especially sweet by the fact that hundreds of ad buyers — Revision3's prospective clients, many of them — were looking on from the audience. Too bad that was the keynote's last watchable moment.

TED's Chris Anderson invites Kevin Rose, assuring his conference's irrelevance

Owen Thomas · 04/17/08 04:00PM

Has TED organizer Chris Anderson lost his senses? He has invited Digg founder Kevin Rose to TED 2009 — an honor Rose announced on Twitter in hackerspeak. (If you're a regular TED attendee, you may not know that "woot" is an exclamation of excitement; spelling it with numbers is supposed to make it more impressive.) With the arrival of Rose and teenage wantrepreneur Jessica Mah, more TED oldtimers are sure to flee the annual Valley-meets-Hollywood schmoozefest.

"Kevin Rose has basically plowed through everybody"

Jordan Golson · 04/11/08 05:00PM

We may have been thrown out of the TechCrunch party last night, but bulldog aficionado Jason Calacanis did our dirty work for us. Calacanis caught up with Kevin Rose's cohost on the Diggnation podcast, Alex Albrecht, and asked him about Kevin Rose's dating habits. It's not pretty.

Kevin Rose's ex-girlfriend Posh Suicide eyes Mahalo Daily gig

Nicholas Carlson · 04/07/08 06:40PM

A tipster tells us we're off in picking iJustine as the new host for Jason Calacanis's little-watched Mahalo Daily videoblog, previously known solely for featuring former CNET personality Veronica Belmont. "iJustine for Mahalo Daily? Really?" he writes.

Rerank the geeks on the 100 Unsexiest Men list

Nicholas Carlson · 03/31/08 02:40PM

Yahoo's new site for women, Shine, began life with a link to The Phoenix's 100 Unsexiest Men of The Year. OK, fine, we clicked. But then we were astounded to find the list contained only 4 percent geek. Further, the unattractiveness of those who made the list, such Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang, was, frankly, insultingly underrated. Also, the whole list was out of order. Below, a poll where you can help us rerank both the geeks already on the list, and those who should have made it. Rachel Marsden, your assistance in this matter would be appreciated.

Digg: We'll be back shortly — in the meantime, here's some porn

Nicholas Carlson · 03/26/08 03:20PM

Digg went down this morning and, while repairs were under way, a placeholder for redirected users to some of the staff's favorite sites. Mostly the boring usuals. Kevin Rose recommended "Purple & Brown." PaidContent and TechCrunch were on the list. But then, some guy named Micah recommended SuicideGirls, the "alternative" porn site which features girls with piercings, colored hair and tattoos. The link might upset the sensitive users who made nice guy Jay Adelson yank our Gene Simmons sex tape post from Digg. For us, SuicideGirls beats screen-cleaning puppies any day. Only thing. What will advertisers think? We heard Digg hates porn because it likes money. The screenshot of Digg's porn-loving placeholder is below.

Digg goes down! EVERYBODY PANIC

Jordan Golson · 03/26/08 11:40AM

I got the strangest feeling of deja vu this morning. When I clicked over to Digg to see if Kevin Rose had sold out yet, I was greeted by an "Out of Service" message — in the middle of the day. The site is back up, but it reminded me of a similar outage in January: Digg went offline in the middle of the day while "making some changes." During the last outage, we thought the site was unintentionally taken offline. Generally downtimes are scheduled for out of the way hours like 3 A.M. on a Sunday — not 9 A.M. in the middle of the week. After Digg came back online in January, there were significant changes made to the algorithm that decides which stories make it to the front page, angering a few of Digg's higher profile users. What's the deal this time? Our theories and a poll after the jump.

Kevin Rose gets chased by a sheep — film at 11

Jordan Golson · 03/24/08 01:20PM

Wine Library TV host Gary Vaynerchuk took an even more select subset of The 250 up to De Loach Vineyards in Santa Rosa for a wine tasting. Among the guests were Laughing Squid's Scott Beale, egoblogger Robert Scoble, Facebook evangelist Dave Morin, 4-Hour Workweek author Tim Ferriss and Digg's Kevin Rose. One of the tastings took place on a farm. On this farm there were some sheep. One of these sheep didn't like Kevin Rose very much — and chased him up a hill. Robert Scoble took photos. Scoble showed those photos to MadPod's James Donnelly, who filmed them and put the result on the Internet. Much to Rose's dismay, we are sure, we present that video to you.

Kevin Rose wants to be a millionaire

Owen Thomas · 03/21/08 02:40PM

How did we miss this in December? Kevin Rose, the cofounder of Digg, served as the answer to a question on ABC's Who Wants to be a Millionaire, and the show in which his name appeared is rerunning now on KGO. Sarah Lacy, the BusinessWeek columnist whose upcoming book prominently features Rose, spotted the mention. If you didn't tune in, YouTube has a replay:

Crowdsourcing experiment seeks to dictate Leah Culver's love life

Nicholas Carlson · 03/19/08 05:20PM

We asked which man most deserves Pownce founder Leah Culver's attentions: Googler Andy Smith or Flickr's Cal Henderson? In a late rally, Smith advocates won out. His 48.4 percent of the vote displaced the early leader, none-of-the-above option "cupcakes to face for both," at 43.5 percent. Now a pair of tipsters confirm Culver has, in fact, selected a new man. Has she heeded the wisdom of the crowd?