The Story Behind the Internet's Most Famous Photo of a Pig Pooping on Its Own Balls
Max Read · 03/12/13 03:07PM
"Piggy poop balls," the internet's most famous and moving photograph of a pig whose own poop is sitting on its shelf-like balls, has appeared in such storied publications as Gawker, Deadspin, and Gawker since it first appeared online in 2011. And now, it finally has a backstory, thanks to Buzzfeed's Katie Notopoulos, who tracked down Jeff Reardon, the man who photographed the pig with poop on its balls:
World's Best Twitter User Jose Canseco Mysteriously Disappears From Twitter
Adrian Chen · 04/24/12 02:58PMBuzzfeed Hires 'Online Curiosity Collector' and Diaper Expert Katie Notopoulos
Max Read · 02/21/12 09:00AM
"Online curiosity collecter," Twitter power user, and sometime Gawker contributor Katie Notopoulos (pictured right) will be joining BuzzFeed as a senior editor in two weeks, working with managing editor Scott Lamb to bring her ongoing documentation of the weird, stupid, gross and hilarious on the internet under the BuzzFeed banner.