Hollywood Privacywatch: Adrian Grenier Not Afraid Of A Little PDA
Mark Graham · 07/22/08 04:40PM
PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our millions of Defamer operatives. We'd like to remind you that this feature is powered by you, so if you want to see more installments of PrivacyWatch, then all you've got to do is to send us your sightings. Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you saw Adrian Grenier getting ready to Diving Bell the Butterfly out of "some model looking chick."
HBO Hoping New CEO's Tenure Remains Refreshingly Mugshot-Free
mark · 06/05/07 01:51PM
· Time Warner officially announces that interim CEO Bill Nelson will be permanently replacing the recently shitcanned Chris Albrecht, confident that their newly installed leader will keep himself free of PR-nightmare altercations at Vegas valet stands. [Variety]
· Idol runner-up Katherine McPhee will make her acting debut in the "indie dark romantic comedy" Last Caller, a part that will reportedly require no singing, and, hopefully, pave the way for the trashier roles that we've envisioned for her ever since her first cattle-call audition appearance. [THR]
· Universal president/COO Ron Meyer signs on for another five years running the company, extending his reign through 2012. Gushes boss Jeff Zucker, "He knows the business inside and out and has an incredible eye for talent, and inspires intense loyalty. He is a crucial part of NBC Universal's success, but I will not hesitate to feed him to the animatronic Jaws at the Universal Studios theme park if that becomes necessary for the advancement of my own career." [THR]
· Publicity-whoring magic rival David Blaine to issue press release calling Cameron Diaz's new boyfriend a "pussy" for not filling the Times Square death-box he just escaped from with water. [THR]
· The studios releasing this summer's fast-starting sequel blockbusters (Spidey/Pirates/Shrek 3) are finding that overseas audiences are much more tolerant of disappointing crap than their American counterparts. [Variety]
Short Ends: Katherine McPhee Saves Children From Heat Stroke
mark · 08/08/06 09:31PM
· At left, rightful American Idol winner Katherine McPhee selflessly shields a Florida youngster from the blistering summer heat by allowing her to shade herself underneath McPhee's glorious rack.
Project Greenlight fans, semi-rejoice: Feast will get a limited theatrical run of late night shows before being dumped off to DVD. Gulager!
· The Believer's interviewer is so good that he gets Steven Soderbergh to imagine that if he had a "balloon cock dick," he might find a career in porn appealing. That's nice work.
Seriously, you gotta be pretty desperate to mug Screech. Don't they know the dude is selling t-shirts to save his house?
Gawker weighs four glossy fall fashion issues, discovering in the process that they've purchased 9.5 lbs of eating disorder promotion.
· Mental Floss asks: Will celibacy turn Paris Hilton into a genius? If she were actually sincere about it, the field of physics could be looking at its next Nobel winner.
· Mel Gibson: the ringtone.