
Yahoo replaces departing Entertainment VP, for now

Nicholas Carlson · 07/16/08 12:40PM

Yahoo Sports head James Pitaro will take over departing VP Karin Gilford's responsibilities as head of Yahoo Entertainment. But with no end to the Microsoft ordeal in sight, how long will Pitaro stay? Yahoo Media boss Scott Moore put Gilford in charge of Entertainment only this spring, but the promotion obviously didn't stick. She's going to Comcast."She got poached," a Yahoo exec tells us. "C’est la vie at Yahoo these days, unfortunately." We hear Moore's had his hands full trying to keep Pitaro in place, too.

Yahoo Entertainment VP bolts for Comcast

Nicholas Carlson · 07/15/08 12:40PM

When Scott Moore reorganized Yahoo's media business in April, we called VP Karin Gilford, head of Yahoo Entertainment, "the big winner." Now she's just another goner. Gilford has quit the company and will take a new job at Comcast. We admire Moore's ability to regularly crush the competition — In May, for example, Yahoo! News had 38.8 million users to AOL News' 29 million — but we wonder if Moore's shitkicking winniness might also crush his own reports. That Gilford joins a long list of Moore's reports who have suddenly exited the company doesn't do much to defend Moore's reputation. Former head of Yahoo Entertainment Vince Broady is gone. So is onetime Yahoo News editor Neil Budde. Yahoo Music boss Ian Rogers only gave Moore two days' notice when he left. Instead of running Yahoo Food like she used to, Deanna Brown is busy running Scripps Interactive to the company's notable profit. Here's an example of Gilford pitching Yahoo in happier days:

Scott Moore shakes up Yahoo Media Group, music chief leaves

Owen Thomas · 04/02/08 03:40PM

Scott Moore, the former Microsoftie now running Yahoo's media businesses, has reorganized his group, which runs Yahoo's original-content websites. Out the door: Ian Rogers, the outspoken head of Yahoo Music, who had loudly criticized the music industry for insisting on copy protection. Rogers says on his blog that he's joining Topspin Media, a music startup, as CEO. Rogers also oversaw some of Yahoo's video efforts, which Moore now says he'll run personally. The reorg comes in advance of two days of all-hands meetings in Sunnyvale and Santa Monica in two weeks. Moore's memo: