Peeking inside Google China
Megan McCarthy · 09/05/07 03:44PM
The San Francisco Chronicle has another look into Google's China offices. The pictures come from inside the Googleplex Zhongguancun (say that five times fast — hint, the "c" is pronounced "ts"). Most importantly, there's a rundown of a typical lunch menu — seafood pizza, pumpkin risotto, braised mushroom with bamboo and steamed crab. The most interesting takeaway? Google China's head, the underemployed, noncompeting Kai-Fu Lee, has his workspace on the traditionally unlucky fourth floor, though he pooh-poohs any talk of bad luck. "We don't believe in superstition." Good for you, Kai-Fu. We've always thought that "don't be evil" was an old engineer's tale, too.
Google China photo gallery
Chris Mohney · 02/23/07 01:00PM
Google Blogoscoped has datamined a nice collection of pics depicting Google's searchworks in China. Usual assortment of infantilizing treats for the workers, plus the odd pic of Sergey Brin and the Google China boss, Kai-Fu Lee. Also includes actual documentary proof of Marissa Mayer putting ads above users.
Guest troll: Stick a Vic in it, it's done
Nick Douglas · 06/29/06 01:03PMThe defection of Microsoft's platform evangelist Vic Gundotra to Google, days after MS's Google assassin Martin Taylor slunk off, is more than a bad sign. According to Microsoft troll Chris Coulter, it's — well, picture a comically large stack of soup cans in a Disney movie. Now pull one can from the bottom layer. Chris plays war correspondent in this speed-and-liquor-fueled totally sober doomsaying guest post.