
Happy Birthday, Chelsea Manning

Hamilton Nolan · 12/17/14 05:20PM

This week marked the 27th birthday of Chelsea Manning, the U.S. military whistleblower who currently sits in prison for leaking material to Wikileaks. Here are some birthday wishes for her from people who have spent time in similar circumstances.

Mexican Farmworkers Treated Worse Than Sharecroppers 

Hamilton Nolan · 12/10/14 12:10PM

For several days, the Los Angeles Times has been running an excellent series on the exploitation of farm workers in Mexico. Here is a bit of information on how the people who grow the produce you buy at Walmart are treated.

What Serial Gets Wrong

Josie Duffy · 11/20/14 09:00AM

If you haven't been listening to Serial you've surely been hearing about it, so I won't summarize the whole story other than to say that there are three critical characters here. There's Hae Min Lee, who was brutally strangled 15 years ago, Adnan, her ex-boyfriend who's currently in jail for life for her murder, and Jay, their mutual friend who claims Adnan admitted to killing Hae and showed him her body. One of three things is happening—Adnan's lying, Jay's lying, or they both are.

Mississippi Jails People For Months With No Charges

Hamilton Nolan · 09/25/14 10:40AM

Even in 2014, it is still possible to come across facts about the American justice system that stagger even the most cynical of minds. For example: do you know how long people are sitting in jail in Mississippi without being charged with a crime?

Report: In New York, Justice for the Poor Is a Joke

Hamilton Nolan · 09/17/14 12:12PM

One nice thing about America is that even if you are poor, you cannot legally be railroaded for any old criminal accusation; you are guaranteed justice and fair representation. A new report details just how much of a farce that promise is.

Legalize Drugs

Hamilton Nolan · 07/31/14 02:00PM

We are in the midst of a weeklong editorial extravaganza in which the New York Times expounds at length on why marijuana should be legalized. What they present as a giant leap is really a baby step. All illegal drugs should be legalized and regulated.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/28/14 02:41PM

The warden of Louisiana's Angola prison says he is prepared to release inmate Kenny "Zulu" Whitmore from solitary confinement "When I can conclude he's not going to cause me the blues." Whitmore, a Black Panther, has been in solitary for a total of 35 years.

The DC Police Invent Crimes to Arrest "Likely" Criminals

Hamilton Nolan · 07/23/14 09:50AM

In Washington, DC, undercover police are concocting elaborate fake robbery plots, and then arresting anyone they can convince to say they will join in. If you mixed the concepts of entrapment and Minority Report-style futurecrimes together, this is what would emerge.

So, Who's Going to Jail For T-Mobile's Crimes?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/02/14 10:10AM

The FTC has charged T-Mobile with stealing hundreds of millions of dollars of their customers' money by billing them for services they didn't sign up for. Okay. So. Which T-Mobile executive will be going to jail?