
The Junk Mail Industry Is Only Getting Bigger and Better

Hamilton Nolan · 01/24/13 12:24PM

If you have ever given twenty bucks to the Red Cross and subsequently been deluged by form letters from 136 other charities, you may have asked yourself, "What's the deal with all this junk mail?" Here is "the deal," as you so crudely put it: the junk mail industry is now far more technologically advanced than ever. Just give in.

What Scientology's Japan Recruitment Letters Look Like

Maureen O'Connor · 04/13/11 05:17PM

Two days ago, we reported on the Church of Scientology's junk science relief efforts in Japan, through its Volunteer Ministry program. Now we have materials the church uses to recruit members for the ministry, which is "an effective way of getting Scientology applied on a broad, grass-roots level through the society."