
Crossfit Is Over

Hamilton Nolan · 01/16/12 01:52PM

Did you get a chance to do Crossfit when it was still hardcore? Did you get a chance to do 15 body weigh overhead squats followed by 400-yard sprints for time until you puked, or Tabata intervals until you puked, or sled pulling followed by burpees followed by box jumps followed by muscle-ups, until you puked? If you haven't done it already, it's too late. Crossfit is over.

Summer TV Turns Desperate

Brian Moylan · 06/28/11 12:39PM

I'm thrilled that my favorite summer shows—like True Blood and Weeds—are finally coming back. But one thing is increasingly clear: There are a lot of desperate shows out there. And they're all resorting to the same tired tricks to try to make themselves fresh again.