
The Strange Career of Julie Benz

Richard Lawson · 07/28/11 04:30PM

A hardworking TV actress has had quite the eclectic career, and she continues to. Also today: a big Walking Dead shakeup, some less than comforting news about The Killing, and Ron Swanson has a Tammy 1.

Shia LaBeouf: Megan Fox Cheated on Her Husband with Me

Maureen O'Connor · 06/28/11 10:30AM

Shia says he had an affair with Megan, but he might be lying. Jake Gyllenhaal gets "touchy-feely" with a lady. Hugh Hefner adds another lady to his harem. Nicole Kidman's baby is a ginger. Tuesday gossip kisses and tells.

A Top Gun Sequel Sure Is a Good Idea

Richard Lawson · 10/14/10 03:50PM

Don't you think? Isn't it just such a grand a idea? Also today: You guys are all watching terrible TV, the next Twilight movie has a super random cast of vampires, and some misleading news about Sinbad.

Katherine Heigl Will Literally Never Die

Richard Lawson · 05/13/10 10:31AM

She is immortal, it's already been written. Also today: the American Family movie adds some cast members, the networks pick up a bunch of shows for next season, some sad Don Johnson news, and horrible women.


Richard Lawson · 03/26/08 03:28PM

Julie Benz, the immensely likable actress who plays Rita on the immensely likable Dexter, is taking yet another trip into the macabre. She's just signed on to star in Saw V. There have been four of these snuff films already and they continue to be oddly successful. How much more abuse can we take? How much more can she take? Between this, the bloody Dexter, and the bodies-exploding Rambo, Benz is crafting quite a grim resume. I should invite her to go see Funny Games with me so we can have Michael Haneke tell us what's wrong with us. [Empire]