
Cord Jefferson · 10/07/13 12:32PM

CNN reports on China's deadly hornet outbreak on Friday by explaining that Hong Kong is now in South America. Those hornets really are powerful.

Malcolm Gladwell, Professional Softball Player

Hamilton Nolan · 10/07/13 10:34AM

Wildly successful proverb investigator Malcolm Gladwell is a writer for The New Yorker, the most prestigious magazine journalism outlet in America. Despite this fact, he says that—as a policy—he does not do journalism.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/03/13 08:06AM

The New York Times Style section today wrote a story about black people. The next New York Times Style section story about black people will return, with Halley's Comet, in July of 2061.

J.K. Trotter · 09/26/13 11:54AM

Over twenty reporters have accepted leadership positions in the Obama administration since 2008. And they’re having fun! Journalists who became Obama operatives speak highly of the experience,” The Washington Post observes, after noting that four of the paper’s former staff members now work for the government.

Russia Today Airs Fake Footage of Rebels Using Sarin Gas in Syria

J.K. Trotter · 09/18/13 02:16PM

Russia Today is a self-described “news” channel that happens to be owned and operated by the Russian government, and therefore serves as a reliable outlet for whatever Russian President Vladimir Putin would like you to believe is “news.” It tends to get some measure of credibility among American bloggers, largely by booking said bloggers on its programs (including, regrettably, the editor of this web site, but just once and he’s sorry). Which is why it’s somewhat ironic that RT has twisted the generally reliable work of Syria-blogger Brown Moses to fuel Putin’s conspiracy theory that Syrian rebels are behind the sarin gas attack that the Assad regime unleashed on civilians last month.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/13 08:03AM

"I was at a conference in Bern, Switzerland, last week and struggling with my column."- The powerful first line of today's (or any day's) Thomas Friedman column.