
Donald Trump Has Joined Media Twitter

Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/12/16 02:38PM

Donald Trump today briefly used his Twitter account to do something other than troll the American public—he started tweeting like some kind of reporter.

Congrats on Making That Stanford Rape Story Go Mega-Vi, Content Creators

Kelly Stout · 06/07/16 02:04PM

After Elena Kadvany, a writer for the local site Palo Alto Online, published the moving letter a sexual assault survivor read aloud in court to the man who raped her, BuzzFeed writer Katie J. M. Baker also published the letter for BuzzFeed’s much larger audience. It was a worthwhile way to use a huge platform, which Baker did with skill and sensitivity. Millions read it, including me, millions were moved, including me, and the appealing justice of “awareness” was served.

The Establishment Arm of the Trump Campaign Is Blatantly Using the Press to Stage a Coup

Jordan Sargent · 06/07/16 12:00PM

Donald Trump has not even officially assumed the title as Republican nominee for president and already his campaign isn’t even bothering to hide that it’s tearing itself in two. Specifically, this past weekend, Paul Manafort, the longtime GOP dementor brought on by Trump to give his campaign an air of professionalism—or aides loyal to him—used MSNBC as a vessel to spark a revolt within the campaign.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/07/16 10:20AM

“If we talked as if people had souls, then we’d have a thick view of what is at stake in everyday activities,” writes David Brooks today. At this point he’s basically the nice old man with Alzheimer’s at church that everyone chooses to leave alone as long as he doesn’t hit anyone.

CORRECTION: The Online News Media Did a Pretty Bad Job Covering This Bernie Sanders Skydiving Story

Andy Cush · 06/03/16 12:57PM

Friday morning. America’s online content manufacturers woke up, sucked down some iced coffee, trudged into our Manhattan offices, and sat down at our laptops. Not much going on, not much to write about. A long day ahead. Then, like the sun or a septuagenarian Vermonter breaking through the clouds, there appeared a wonderful story: Bernie Sanders might be parachuting into his rally in Cloverdale, California tonight.

Here’s What Gawker Media Does

Gawker Media Editors · 06/02/16 03:40PM

It was surprising to hear the news last week that right-wing billionaire investor Peter Thiel has been secretly trying to destroy Gawker Media through proxy lawsuits. It was dispiriting, and less surprising, to hear the conversation that followed the revelation. The discussion begins, in most cases, with the premise that Gawker is bad. Even those who are rightly alarmed at Thiel’s unprecedented attack on an institution that he regards as “terrible for the Valley” usually feel the need to preface that conclusion with some form of “I hate to defend Gawker, but...”

Internet Video Views Is A 100 Percent Bullshit Metric

Kevin Draper · 05/09/16 09:10AM

We are, right now, in the midst of a digital media upheaval. What was previously conventional wisdom—that a media company with hopes of turning a profit needs, above all, to achieve scale—is being proven false. The new conventional wisdom is that video will be digital media’s savior, but it is only a matter of time before this is proven false too.

Newspaper Editor Says She Was Fired For Failing to Suck Up to Billionaire Boss

J.K. Trotter · 05/05/16 05:30PM

Stephanie Grimes, the features editor at the Las Vegas Review-Journal, announced today that her boss, the newly installed editor-in-chief Keith Moyer, has fired her after she failed to demonstrate sufficient loyalty to the paper’s new management, the members of which were chosen and installed earlier this year by Sheldon Adelson, the conservative billionaire who purchased the Review-Journal last year. The sudden dismissal is the latest in a string of increasingly contentious internal controversies related to concerns about Adelson’s control over the Review-Journal’s coverage.

The Best of New York Times Columnist Ross Douthat’s Incorrect Predictions That Trump Would Lose the GOP Nomination

J.K. Trotter · 05/05/16 08:11AM

The demises of Ted Cruz and John Kasich’s primary campaigns almost certainly assure, in the absence of some intervening event or act of God, that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee for President. More importantly, they present the opportunity to recall which political commentators insisted that Trump could never, ever be the nominee. Dozens and dozens (and dozens) of people got Trump’s chances wrong, but if you were to identify the wrongest commentator, you would be hard-pressed to find a better candidate than New York Times columnist and National Review film critic Ross Douthat.

Was TMZ's Infamous Reporting on Lil Wayne Actually Right?

Jordan Sargent · 05/03/16 11:40AM

The occasion of Prince’s death immediately sparked two parallel discussions. The primary conversation was of course about the life and career of Prince. The second was about how much the public can—and should—trust TMZ, the outlet who, as they often do, first reported this shocking death of a beloved celebrity.