
Perverse Journalism Prize Loves You, Your Worst Enemy

Ryan Tate · 05/04/09 04:30AM

The Si Newhouse School's journalism awards are next month, and the mood at the ceremony could quickly get uncomfortable. Starting with Arianna Huffington getting a Lifetime Achivement award that last went to her bitter nemesis.

DC Is So Excited For Prom!

Pareene · 05/01/09 04:23PM

Did you know that the White House Correspondents Association Dinner is only 8 shopping days away? The teenage girls of the DC press corps are so psyched!

The Tyranny of SkyMall Trend Stories

Hamilton Nolan · 04/30/09 03:29PM

Well well, today the NYT Style section has a piece on the quirky old SkyMall Catalogue. It is full of funny things! How many times do you imagine the "LOLSkymall Catalogue" story's been written?

No Fondue For David Remnick

Hamilton Nolan · 04/30/09 02:58PM

In your awardy Thursday media column: the recessiontastic magazine awards are here, newspaper meta-layoffs, Lenny Dykstra's canned, more justice for Chauncey Bailey, and advertising brainstorming:

How the New York Times Finds Its Sources

Hamilton Nolan · 04/29/09 04:11PM

What journalistic stratagems are employed when New York Times reporters go searching for the perfect source to illustrate their trend stories? The stratagem of "email everybody you know." What did you think it would be? Here, you can see Julie Scelfo's story shaping up in advance:

Shittiest Media Job Listing Ever?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/29/09 11:07AM

Don't despair, laid-off media types: you could still land this magazine editorial job. You'll never guess how much it pays:

Newspapers Going Elitist, Buddy

Hamilton Nolan · 04/28/09 03:38PM

Newspapers originally grew influential because they were the main source conveying information to the powerful elites about their business and political interests. And guess what? They're headed back that way! Screw democracy, etc.:

The New York Sun's Least Worthwhile Part Is Back

Hamilton Nolan · 04/28/09 01:09PM

In your brittle Tuesday media column: Angry newspaper editors, starry-eyed newspaper veterans, desperate newspaper companies, and dead newspaper revivals. And, Portfolio's final party: