Forbes, September 2: "Scott Gould happily ditched the securities market for a restaurant job." WSJ, yesterday: "Scott Gould went from trader to waiter-by choice." It's almost as if one followed the other for some easily determined reason. We'll never know.
In your wonderful Wednesday media column: the NYO's getting a new home, the WaPo redesigns its magazine, Michael Moore has fancy party, and Katie Couric meets Glenn Beck and they totally make out (or do they?).
On top of everybody else, another person who's not gonna stand for this Mo-mar Khadafy character and his smelly Libyan camel brigade is Andrea Peyser, sexxxy patriotic American (USA).
"Mustache Day at the New York Times' media pod." We've done a little digging and we're now prepared to say that some of these "mustaches" are, in fact, fakes. Clark Hoyt will get to the bottom of this. [David Carr]
In your warming Tuesday media column: The New York Post softens its stance on the Fake NYP, foolish kids flock to J-schools, a few magazines do not so poorly, and NYT stock is for sale!
David Pogue's taken fire from all sides: Both bloggers and the New York Times columnist's own public editor challenged the tech reviewer over his conflicts of interests. He's finally unloaded with both barrels, at friend and foe alike.
Yesterday the New York Post ran a gruesome update on the Annie Le murder, saying that Le's killer "broke the bones and mangled the body" before stuffing her into a wall. New Haven cops say: False.
Bow-tied screamer Matthew Winkler, the chief enforcer of The (Insane) Bloomberg Way—the style guide that sternly discouraged journalists from starting a sentence with "But"—had an op-ed in the WSJ this weekend. Check it out, everyone!
In your momentous Monday media column: Conde Nast mag closure rumors continue to leak, everybody's selling weed these days, the Amish organize their newspapers in an insane manner, and a "joke," about J-school!
Last November, New Yorkers were greeted one morning with a Fake New York Times, produced by pinkos. Today the same people—The Yes Men—have dropped a Fake New York Post on the city. Let's look, then!
My hometown paper, eulogizing a beach bum bar that closed after six decades: "Haney wrote a touching obituary to Pomars, observing that 'nobody looked at you funny if you had a beer with your breakfast.'" Well, okay. [Pic via]
In your fading Friday media column: America's most august lefty magazine learns how to makes Ca$h the Ebay way, Ivy League murder obsession explained, Suze Orman may wake you up soon, and some assholes still love Tom Friedman.
We've long known that Politico exists for no other reason than to make money by celebrating and enabling the continuing devolution of political reporting into content-free, America-hurting cable-news idiocy. But it's still sad to see them actually admit it.
Let's not forget that the hero Iraqi Shoe Hurler was a journalist before he became a footwear projectilist. A certain portion of his colleagues think he disgraced his profession. They're wrong. Let's go to Muntader's brand new explanatory op-ed!
In your unexpected Thursday media column: Michael Moore's reputation as the foremost authority on newspapers is challenged, the Sun-Times' unions play a dangerous game, Jenna Bush does a TV thing, and Alex Balk is persecuted without end.
It's difficult to take a performance artist like Glenn Beck too seriously when he keeps breaking out of character. For instance: Time's new cover is another photo of him by Jill Greenberg, a liberal he pretends to hate.
Remember how after Rupert Murdoch bought the Wall Street Journal, he decided the paper should be covering sports more? That was awesome. Today: Is cheerleading stupid, or what?
Politico's Ben Smith almost WON THE DAY with nice little scoop—the video of Barack Obama calling Kanye West a "jackass" during pre-interview banter with CNBC's John Harwood. But someone made him take it down. Why in the world?
Trendy flack Mark Penn promised the WSJ that his evil PR firm would stop using his newspaper column as a tool to troll for PR clients. Instead, he's just writing columns off of surveys by his own polling firm!
In your willful Wednesday media column: Meghan McCain is the queen of all media, BusinessWeek's sale grinds on, Lou Dobbs catches a boycott, and you can finally find political opinions, on the internet.