
Newsweek Cover Story or Internet Posting About Drugs? A Quiz

Max Read · 10/08/12 04:00PM

For millennia, humans have wondered what happens after we die. Finally, we have a definitive answer: this week, in an exclusive cover story, Newsweek reveals that "Heaven Is Real." And it sounds suspiciously like a DMT trip as described on internet drug forums.

Worst Writing Job Ever Offering 'Between .009 and .02 Per Word'

Cord Jefferson · 10/08/12 01:00PM

Back in September, we thought Prefix magazine's freelancer rates of $6 per day were about as bad as it could get in a desiccated media landscape where writers are exploited like the railroad workers of old. Today, a company out of Portland, Oregon, is making Prefix's rates look downright extravagant.

In Grim Irony, the Washington Post Company Diversifies Into Hospice Care

Cord Jefferson · 10/01/12 12:45PM

It's no secret that the Washington Post Company, home to one of America's most important and revered newspapers, is floundering. The company's once booming education business, Kaplan, has cooled significantly in recent quarters, and ad revenues in both print and online are also down. Fighting to keep its head above water, the Post Co. has now done what many dying people do: turned to hospice care.

Jonah Lehrer Talks Briefly About Being Branded a Liar, Instantly Gets Called a Liar Again

Cord Jefferson · 09/25/12 06:26PM

In a new Los Angeles Magazine story, writer Amy Wallace reaches out to embarrassed self-plagiarist and poet manque Jonah Lehrer to ask him what his future plans are. Lehrer doesn't reveal much outside of the fact that he is "writing something about the mistake and affair myself," but he adds that Wallace is only the third person to contact him for comment in the wake of his scandal. Almost instantly, Joe Coscarelli at Daily Intel was charging Lehrer with yet another mistruth:

Your Guide to the Week of Kate Middleton's Boobs and the French Magazine that Published Them

Max Read · 09/20/12 02:30PM

Last Friday, French gossip magazine Closer published a series of photographs of Kate Middleton sunbathing topless. Yesterday morning, police in Paris raided the publication's offices of Closer magazine, searching the building and inspecting the staff's computers in an attempt to find the name of the photographer. And today, the photos were printed, for the fourth and fifth time, respectively, in Sweden and Denmark.

13 Powerful Images of Muslim Rage

Max Read · 09/17/12 11:19AM

"MUSLIM RAGE," screams Newsweek's new cover story about last week's violent anti-American protests. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the well-known anti-Islam activist, is here to tell "us" (The_West) how to "end it." And it's true, isn't it? All Muslims are constantly raging about everything. So to pay tribute to Ali's article — which describes the protesters as "the mainstream of contemporary Islam" — and the subtle, smart cover that accompanies it, we've collected 13 striking, powerful images of MUSLIM RAGE.

Harvard Crimson Editors Have Bigger Balls Than Your Media Boss

Cord Jefferson · 09/04/12 01:42PM

The privileged young people of Harvard College are not often recognized for their integrity and backbone. They made a whole movie about how Zuckerberg stole Facebook from the terrible Winklevoss twins, for instance. And just last week more than 100 Harvard students came under fire for a cheating scandal that reportedly found them plagiarizing and colluding with one another on the take-home final exam. But today, two editors at the Harvard Crimson are returning some credibility to the ivy-est of Ivy League schools.

Huffington Post Now Citing Adult Baby Diaper Fetish Forums for Race-Baiting News

Max Read · 08/03/12 01:35PM

A few days ago, Pulitzer prize-winning leftist cocaine site Huffington Post broke the news that Louisiana's Rayville Elementary — currently receiving a "failing" grade from the state — won't allow white students to transfer out due a federal desegregation ruling from 1986. A perfect article to be circulated as evidence of reverse racism! And all it needed was a little bit of "here's the reaction around the web" padding courtesy a quote from the forum

60 Minutes Correspondent Mike Wallace Dies

Louis Peitzman · 04/08/12 10:23AM

Mike Wallace, one of the original correspondents of 60 Minutes, has died at 93. Wallace worked for the program for four decades and entered semi-retirement in 2006. Since then, Wallace appeared intermittently on the show to interview such contentious figures as Jack Kevorkian and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. His most recent 60 Minutes interview was with Roger Clemens in 2008.

Magazine Founded by Ralph Waldo Emerson Now Publishing Rage Comics

Max Read · 04/05/12 04:46PM

In 1857, in the midst of the greatest political strife a young nation had yet known, a group of prominent intellectuals and activists — Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., and Harriet Beecher Stowe, among others — gathered together to create a New England literary magazine: The Atlantic. For more than a century, it was a leading voice for progressive causes, from abolition to civil rights, and a platform for some of the country's greatest literary voices. Today, it published a rage comic. "Props on the rage comic, Atlantic!" writes Newsweek.

Breitbart Idiot Publishes Gotcha Interview of Bono Impersonator (Updated with Video)

Max Read · 03/21/12 01:38PM guy and Human Events editor-at-large Jason Mattera is " D.C.'s Bad Boy Reporter," and what says "bad boy" more than ambushing U2 frontman Bono for a "gotcha" interview about U2's taxes? Ha ha, except that Mattera actually ambushed a Bono impersonator, which may be why he couldn't really answer questions about U2's taxes:

Times Media Reporter Brian Stelter Reveals Number-One Dating Secret

Max Read · 02/16/12 01:15PM

Those of you who caught the news (revealed, no doubt coincidentally, in two different articles published on the same day) that New York Times media wunderkind Brian Stelter and NY1 traffic reporter Jamie Shupak are dating — and have been for five months, apparently — may be wondering what we wondered this morning when we heard: What is Brian Stelter's romance secret? (Stelter, after all, is known also for wooing CNBC reporter Nicole Lapin.) We emailed to ask, and Brian tells us: