
'It's a Simple Legal Reality': Why the Associated Press Is Sticking with the Term 'Illegal Immigrant'

Cord Jefferson · 10/19/12 06:22PM

In the face of mounting pressure from activist campaigns like "Drop the I-Word," the Associated Press announced today that it would continue using the term "illegal immigrants" in its immigration coverage if and when the situation calls for it. Drop the I-Word and its proponents—like journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, himself an illegal immigrant—argue that media outlets using the word "illegal" to describe people is a "racially charged" tactic that "confuses the immigration debate and fuels violence." Critics would rather newspapers and wire services use terms like "undocumented immigrant" or "unauthorized immigrant," instead. Despite those protestations, however, the AP appears to be resolute in its decision.

Barack Obama Outflanks Congress With Massive New Amnesty Program for Illegal Immigrants

John Cook · 06/15/12 09:45AM

Behold the first election-year bombshell: Barack Obama's White House will announce this morning that it will unilaterally begin granting work permits to as many as 800,000 illegal immigrants who arrived in the United States as children, graduated from high school, and stayed out of trouble with the law. He's essentially implemented the much-debated DREAM Act, only without the hassle of all that voting in Congress. He should have done this with health care!

The Most Heroic Gawker Characters of 2011

Maureen O'Connor · 12/27/11 11:32AM

We loathe a lot of people here at Gawker, mostly because we recognize that humanity is irreversibly doomed and the future holds nothing but Kim Kardashian dancing in six-inch stilettos on the graves of the poor. (Silver lining: Well-aerated grave grass.)

Is the New York Press Ready to Die?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/22/11 02:09PM

In your frigid Friday media column: rumored troubles at the NY Press, Jose Antonio Vargas can't drive, a headline legend retires, Demand Media acts just as you'd expect them to, and Conde Nast will brag about its digital sales.

Editors Just Can't Believe Jose Vargas Would Lie to Them

Hamilton Nolan · 06/23/11 02:42PM

In your humid Thursday media column: ridiculous WaPo Twitter uproar of the day, everybody's needlessly peeved at Jose Antonio Vargas, Gothamist is sponsoring long-form journalism, an editor flees New York mag, and the Village Voice could have itself a strike.

Facebook CEO Admits To Calling Users 'Dumb Fucks'

Ryan Tate · 09/13/10 12:11PM

Mark Zuckerberg admits in a New Yorker profile that he mocked early Facebook users for trusting him with their personal information. A youthful indiscretion, the Facebook founder says he's much more mature now, at the ripe age of 26.

A Surreal Night with Arianna Huffington

Ryan Tate · 10/20/09 06:17PM

The Huffington Post's tech reporter attended a wild Los Angeles party with Arianna and woke up without all his belongings; MySpace made a reporter feel dirty and Choire Sicha got not-quite-solicited advice on his vagina. The Twitterati were bewildered.