
Watch Stephen Colbert's Defense of Planned Parenthood

Matt Cherette · 04/11/11 11:19PM

During the fight over the federal budget, Republican Senator Jon Kyl stated that over 90% of the services performed by Planned Parenthood were abortions. Over the weekend, the folks at Fox & Friends said that Walgreens offered many of the same services as Planned Parenthood. On tonight's Report, Stephen Colbert hilariously debunked them both.

RIP, Republican Earmark Ban: 2010-2010

Jim Newell · 11/24/10 03:08PM

Even though Senate Republicans only banned earmarks in a non-binding caucus pledge, you'd think they could've waited longer than three days to break it, right? And yet here comes $200 million for you, Arizona, thanks to Sen. Jon Kyl!