
Taut Gosselin Update Cements Kate's Status as World's Most Devious Mom

Caity Weaver · 05/29/14 10:50AM

In the wake of an exuberant Today appearance, Kate Gosselin plus eight Gosselins are careening back to television next month, for a two-hour TLC special that answers the question: what would Game of Thrones look like if you preserved the exhausting parade of complex, acrimonious power struggles, but made two-thirds of the participants 10-year-olds? Also, what if it were set against the backdrop of the scenic Keystone state?

Kate Gosselin's TV Show Canceled

Maureen O'Connor · 08/15/11 04:18PM

Our long national nightmare is over. TLC has canceled Kate Gosselin reality show Kate Plus 8, though the network "hopes to check in with Kate and the family periodically with specials in the future." (Hopefully no sooner than when the kids start getting married.) Since ex-husband Jon Gosselin now toils in blue collar obscurity, it seems we may finally rid ourselves of the cautionary tale and exponentially multiplying menace that is the Gosselin clan.

Our National Jon and Kate Plus Eight Nightmare Is Finally Over

Brian Moylan · 10/15/09 01:24PM

TLC was going to switch to Kate Plus 8, a show about professional paparazzi-dodger Kate Gosselin and her brood after her divorce from ex-husband Jon Gosselin. Now they're calling the whole thing off. Thank God almighty, free at last.

Kate Gosselin Refuses to Water Her Children

The Cajun Boy · 06/11/09 06:50PM

If you've ever wondered what kind of mother Kate Gosselin is behind the scenes, wonder no more. Access Hollywood released this clip today of footage caught just prior to an interview with Kate and her kids, and it's kinda troubling.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Summoned to Destroy Bad Parents

Richard Lawson · 05/26/09 04:28PM

We got so carried away today with the Prop 8 and Sotomayor nonsense that we totally forgot to peer into the trades and see what showbiz news there is that you need to know about. So here you go now, late afternoon edition.

The Duggars Introduce Their 17 Children to a Dangerously Underpopulated Times Square

Kyle Buchanan · 09/30/08 07:30PM

Where some see New York City's Times Square as a monument to overpopulation, the Duggar family of TLC sees only parents who aren't trying hard enough. On last night's premiere of 17 and Counting, the Duggar parents and their brood of 17 children (not counting number 18, currently nestled in the ransacked waiting room of his mother's belly) visited Manhattan, and like the Muppets before them, they caused a sensation! As the Duggars shielded their children's eyes from the more lascivious images flitting across Times Square's plasma screens, the NYC residents around them felt their freakshow radar go off and swarmed the family for pictures. For the Duggars, it was a staggering display of their newfound celebrity — so who could blame them for accidentally losing two children to the crowds, replacing them with a midget manning the falafel stand and a friendly cabbie named "Mohammed"? [TLC]