
Fletcher Vredenburgh

Gawker · 04/02/03 09:21AM

The April issue of Harper's has an excerpt from a rant by the head of the NYC Mayor's Action Center that made news a year or two ago: "Recently I took a new position. I was promoted to director of the Mayor's Action Center. That means I am responsible for overseeing practically any call, letter, fax, or email mad by griping, often whining, often stupid New Yorkers...Yesterday I personally took several calls from people with enough time to call up pitch a fit at the mayor for honoring the Bronx Little League team before anyone knew the pitcher was a ringer. One dumb fuck called to let me know all of Seattle (that's right, the whole city) was mad at the mayor...So I take painkillers, sleep a lot, and think about killing every citizen and employee of New York City every minute I'm awake."
Vredenburgh screed [Johnok]