
The Today Show to Air Jerry Sandusky Interview Filmed by Penn State Truther

Taylor Berman · 03/24/13 08:59PM

For the past several days, The Today Show has been hyping an "exclusive interview" with Jerry Sandusky set to air Monday morning. In this interview, The Today Show says, the convicted child rapist will "speak out for the first time since he went to prison." Sounds like NBC landed a(n ethically questionable) scoop right? Not so much, except for the ethically questionable part. Instead of interviewing Sandusky themselves, NBC is instead airing an excerpt of conservative filmmaker John Ziegler's documentary, The Framing of Joe Paterno.

Sarah Palin's Chief Propagandist Turns On Her

John Cook · 06/13/11 03:11PM

John Ziegler, a talk-radio host and filmmaker whose zeal in defending Sarah Palin's every move and utterance over the past two years zoomed past advocacy and into creepiness has now done what all stalkers do eventually: He's decided if he can't have her, no one can.