Torture Memo Lawyer Chimes In on Elena Kagan
Jeff Neumann · 06/25/10 04:59AMTorture Memo Author John Yoo Gets Own Toilet Paper Brand · 04/20/10 04:28PM‘Vindicated’ Torture Memo Author Enjoys New Role: Pissing Off Berkeley Hippies
Jeff Neumann · 03/29/10 07:22AMJon Stewart's Mea Culpa
Adrian Chen · 01/13/10 12:46AMDeborah Soloman: Meaner to Family Guy Than Torture Guy
Pareene · 12/29/09 02:43PMJohn Yoo Briefly Disturbed By Consequences of His Actions
Pareene · 07/22/09 04:25PMAfter Yoo mentions the Constitution during his lecture, and asks the students if they have any questions, an Australian comedian from the show Chaser's War on Everything is seen wearing a black-hooded robe and standing on top of his desk with his arms outstretched, recalling one of the most iconic images of U.S. torture captured in the now-infamous Abu Ghraib photos.
What Are the Pundits Saying About Sonia Sotomayor?
The Cajun Boy · 05/26/09 09:15PM
Today's big story was Barack Obama's nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to fill the Supreme Court vacancy created by the retirement of David Souter. Predictably, America's punditry had plenty to say about this. We've sampled some of the prominent voices on the left and the right and compiled them for you.