
Sarkozy vs. Stewart

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 04/02/10 10:00AM

After America took it under the chin from French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Jon Stewart and John Oliver laid a politically incorrect smack-down on the French culture. Their crazy comments were overshadowed only by their wrestlmania approach to intellectual insult.

Hulu lands Viacom's Colbert and Stewart

Nicholas Carlson · 06/10/08 10:00AM

Now showing on NBC Universal and News Corp. Web video joint venture Hulu: the Daily Show's Jon Stewart and the Colbert Report's Stephen Colbert from Comedy Central. Viacom, which owns the Comedy Central network, has long hinted it might join Hulu — we heard rumors the deal was done in March — but until now had only announced agreements with Joost, the failing Internet video company founded by Skype founders Nikolas Zennstrom and Janus Friis.