
When It Comes To Euphemisms For Female Genitalia, Fox News Channel Censors Are Total Pussies

Emily Gould · 07/12/07 10:30AM

Last night I was on Red Eye and I was being really crazy the whole time. My metabolism still hasn't adjusted to doing yoga every day instead of smoking weed every day, so if I don't eat every four hours I become sort of unhinged? Long story short, the producers got mad. There was this, and then at another point they were trying to end a segment and I was just shouting "HELLO?! FEMINISM!" Anyway, speaking of feminism! This clip is from a segment about how John McCain is blaming the failure of his candidacy on his aides' insistence that he wear "gay sweaters." I called the famous former POW a "pussy," but they bleeped that word out with a meowing noise. I guess that's kind of funny, but when you consider that the other guest during my segment, comedian Donnell Rawlings, had literally no jokes besides "I am a black man and that means I have a big dick," it's also kind of enraging. HELLO?! FEMINISM!

Megan McCarthy · 07/11/07 05:58PM

Add another politician's name to Google's visitor logs. Presidential candidate and YouTube superstar Ron Paul will address Google employees this Friday, following in the footsteps of fellow candidates Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John McCain.

The Ethnic Comedy Stylings of John McCain

abalk2 · 07/25/06 01:21PM

Maverick Arizona Senator John McCain stopped by The New York Yacht Club last night for an Irish-American event. The Observer reports that the independent minded politician cheered the crowd by engaging in some humorous ethnic banter, i.e., telling one of the oldest Irish jokes in the world. (We'll reprint it after the jump.) It's a little disturbing to think that a joke this lame got "the best reaction of the night," but maybe we should just be thankful that McCain didn't bring his "A" material.