
Joey Pants Cooks Up A Big Pot Of Sadness With Martha Stewart

mark · 10/16/07 04:44PM

Today on Martha, daytime TV's new home of uncomfortable, tragedy-tinged moments: Actor Joe "Joey Pants" Pantoliano, lightly hypnotized by the calmingly repetitive motion of stirring up a pot of pasta putanesca, shares news of his recently diagnosed clinical depression, the suicide of a loved one, and his long-suppressed affection for his irresistible host. Taken aback by his unexpected soul-baring, Stewart calmly adds a bowl of crushed Zoloft to Pantoliano's recipe, a special ingredient she always keeps handy in the event that one of her guests tries to make an unwelcome emotional connection during their promotional appearance.

Joey Pants'd

mark · 10/19/06 12:21PM

It really does get easier for a network to get rid of shows once they've popped their cancellation cherries. And this is largely a philosophical question, but is a show truly "canceled" if it never makes it to the air? It seems like "aborted" might be the more accurate term, but that word makes for far more unsavory headlines.