
Alas, Snooki Promises to Cut Down on Her Drinking

Adrian Chen · 08/07/10 09:40AM

Snooki's about to get a lot more boring. Spencer Pratt spent seven grand on strippers. Lady Gaga wears another outrageous outfit! Joe Biden meets a guy in an Obama mask. Saturday's Gossip Roundup is undiscovered country. Let's explore.

Joe Biden Is Relaxing on the Beach Today

Jim Newell · 08/06/10 01:31PM

What's Joe Biden doing right now? He and Jill Biden are taking in some sun at Cryder Beach in Southampton, according to a tipster who generously sent along a few photos of the shirtless Vice President under a beach umbrella.

Joe Biden Calls Frozen Custard Store Manager a 'Smartass'

Adrian Chen · 06/27/10 04:13PM

Joe Biden at a frozen custard store: What could go wrong? Somehow, Biden kept his fingers out of the big vat of custard, but he ended up calling the manager a "smartass" after he told him to lower taxes. Another instance of the Obama administration's anti-custard rhetoric? No. They were just joking.

'Check Out the New Bridge I Just Bought'

Brian Moylan · 06/02/10 06:34PM

[Our most gullible vice president, Joe Biden, forked over big bucks today for a bridge in Brooklyn. OK, he was actually kicking off a $500 million renovation project of the famous landmark. So, same thing. Image via Getty]

Brunch Sucks

Adrian Chen · 04/24/10 04:16PM

Last week, Burger King began testing a new brunch menu. On Friday, people paid $250 to hear Joe Biden speak at a brunch fundraiser. Today, socialite person Julia Allison ate two back-to-back brunches. Let's talk about the problem of brunch.