
What's Up With Joe Biden?

Pareene · 08/19/08 04:09PM

From a 1993 Harper's, reprinting a lengthy missive from legendary author Terry Southern to the Village Voice. Southern, Dr. Strangelove screenwriter and New Journalism inventor, has some very important questions to ask about Joe Biden, then chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, now possible Vice President. Click through to see.

Joe Biden: Bad Choice

Pareene · 08/19/08 12:28PM

It looks like the smart money is on Delaware Senator Joe Biden for Obama's running mate. Mark Halperin's already announced it in his typical cryptic way (after erasing his "if I don't know the selection it hasn't happened yet" post from last night): "Bo knows," he says, which probably refers to Biden's son, Beau, though why Beau would know is unknown. Why would Obama choose Biden? Our theory is that Obama just likes Biden. He's a funny guy. But is it a terrible choice? We think it is! But we'd love to be wrong! Pros and cons (mostly cons), below. The official line is age, experience, and foreign policy expertise-Biden matches up well against McCain by outdoing him on most of his strengths besides the "tortured for five years by homos" thing. But with Biden comes the history of saying insane and inappropriate things and, you know, the plagiarism. (We said he matched up well with McCain!) And hey, let's look at some of our favorite moments of Biden saying something insane-taken entirely from his recent run for the presidency! July, 2006:

Cover of Today's 'Post' Proves Joe Biden Wrong

JonLiu · 11/19/07 04:42PM

Remember when manly-man long-shot Dem candidate Joe Biden called Rudy Giuliani "the most under-qualified man since George W. Bush to seek the presidency"? The Delaware senator cattily continued: "There's only three things he mentions in a sentence: a noun, and a verb and 9/11." Well, actually, "I" is a pronoun, so sorry, Mr. Biden, America's Bigamist is totally qualified to be president.

Barack Obama: One Fine-Smelling Black Man

abalk2 · 01/31/07 10:50AM

Jason Horowitz leads today's Observer with a profile of Delaware Senator - and presidential candidate - Joe Biden. As Biden surveys his rivals on the Democratic side, he offers up the kind of quote that a reporter only dreams of getting: