
Republicans Have Accidentally Solved Unemployment

Hamilton Nolan · 01/03/14 10:40AM

Analysts say that America's unemployment rate could soon drop by a full half point, representing many hundreds of thouands of people off the official unemployment rolls. It's all thanks to one neat policy trick.

Hamilton Nolan · 12/09/13 04:06PM

Only two of every three new Ph.D recipients in 2012 had a job commitment when they finished their degrees.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/25/13 02:00PM

As Amazon workers in Germany strike for better wages, a UK doctor warns that Amazon warehouse jobs put workers at "increased risk of mental illness and physical illness." Americans are just happy to be employed.

What Is the Whitest Job in America?

Lacey Donohue · 11/06/13 10:27PM

In a fantastic piece at The Atlantic, Derek Thompson uses U.S. Bureau of Labor data to highlight how the labor market is more stratified by race than you might imagine. According to the BLS, whites, on average, earn higher wages and face lower unemployment, while blacks and Latinos cluster in lower-paying jobs.

Famous Data Leaker Hired to Work Around Russian Web Data

Cord Jefferson · 10/31/13 06:32PM

The saga of the globetrotting NSA leaker continues. Despite being the most famous data leaker in the entire world right now, American fugitive Edward Snowden has been hired to help maintain a Russian web company. We suppose everyone deserves a second chance.

A Lifestyle Is Not a Job

Hamilton Nolan · 10/28/13 10:36AM

If you are lucky enough to have financial means and plenty of leisure time and a lack of more pressing responsibilities, you may be able to focus all of your energies on designing your "lifestyle" to your own utmost satisfaction. Congratulations on your good fortune. This does not qualify as a "job."

The Machines Are Taking Over Job Interviews

Hamilton Nolan · 10/11/13 12:35PM

Beleaguered job seekers: you can look forward to a day very soon when the fate of your employment will no longer be in the hands of some bored and prejudiced HR person. Instead, you will be able to be rejected by a computer program, which can mathematically quantify your many shameful human flaws.

What's the Best Way To Get a Drink At a Busy Bar?

Ken Layne · 09/19/13 04:30PM

An empty bar is best. You just pick a seat where there's light enough to read, and the bartender comes right over. Then there are the busy nights, when people crush around the bar three deep and getting a drink seems impossible. What kind of supernatural skills are necessary for getting a cocktail on a Saturday night?

At the New York City Fast Food Strike

Hamilton Nolan · 08/29/13 01:59PM

Today, a right wing think tank ran a full page Wall Street Journal ad implying that a rise in the minimum wage would cause fast food workers to be replaced by robots. The prospect of robo-dystopia did not deter the hundreds of chanting protesters who bent the corner of Broadway and Nassau at 11:15 this morning.

Someone Please Hire All the Teenagers

Hamilton Nolan · 08/21/13 09:56AM

Just as "high school" was invented as a way to keep teenagers off the streets most of the year, "summer jobs" were invented as a way to keep them off the streets for the remainder of the year. But even five years after the Great Recession struck, summer jobs are as scarce as [reference to some teen-specific buzzword here]. Can someone hire these fucking kids, please?