
Job: Staff Illustrator/Designer

Jim Cooke · 04/03/14 05:00PM

See that generic stock photo at the top of this post? We like to avoid this. So we're looking to fill a position for a staff illustrator/designer.

Gossip Reporter,

John Cook · 02/19/13 03:20PM

Gawker is hiring a gossip reporter. Or perhaps more precisely: a scandal reporter. We're looking for someone interested in penetrating the personal and professional lives of titans of industry, finance, and culture. Someone who can jump on and assiduously follow the tale of the recent dickpic-tweeting political figure, as well as reliably develop compelling enterprise stories about the lives and misdeeds of powerful people and report out our prodigious well of incoming tips.

Inexperience required

Nick Denton · 01/18/13 02:41PM

And now for a message from Nick Denton, the Founder and Publisher of Gawker Media.

Commerce Specialist, Kotaku

Scott Kidder · 01/14/13 12:33PM

Gawker Media sees a strong future for commerce on its properties, including Kotaku. That means we're looking for a longtime Kotaku reader with keen knowledge and recognized taste in video games, devices, and accessories to lead commerce content for Kotaku.

Commerce Analyst

Scott Kidder · 12/28/12 11:29AM

At Gawker Media, we think commerce is a big part of our future. We're looking for a data wiz to join our commerce team and help us get there!

Commerce Specialist, Jezebel

Scott Kidder · 12/28/12 10:24AM

Gawker Media sees a strong future for commerce on its properties. As such, we're looking for someone with an exceptional writing voice, a thing for shopping, and unmatched taste to lead commerce content for Jezebel.

The Purpose of Gawker

Nick Denton · 10/15/12 01:53PM

This memo, intended for Gawker Media employees, was published on earlier today. In the interest of sharing our mission to bring editorial and commercial conversation with our readers — those who, under our new discussion platform, truly control it — it is being republished in full here.