
Shia LaBeouf Knows What It Takes to Land a Job at Goldman

cityfile · 01/29/10 02:06PM

Shia LaBeouf did tons of research in preparation for his role in Wall Street 2. He opened up a brokerage account with $20,000 and has seen his portfolio grow tenfold since then, thanks to the expert trading skills he's picked up along the way. And he's learned the secret to getting a job at Goldman Sachs, which he's now prepared to share with the world: "I talked to a lot of Goldman Sachs people, and one of the requirements of getting a job takes place in the first five minutes of an interview. They take you out to eat. The minute the menu hits the table, if you can't order within 30 seconds, you don't have the job." [DB]

Your Dream Job Awaits!

cityfile · 01/06/10 02:06PM

After much debate, officials in Nevada have (finally!) given a brothel the official go-ahead to begin hiring men. If you're between 21-40, you're "service oriented," and you "have a positive attitude"—and the idea of moving to rural (but scenic!) Nevada and living in a trailer doesn't put you off—apply within.

How Not to Find a Job in Finance

cityfile · 10/22/09 10:00AM

Hunting for a job in finance? Allow recent college grad Jeffrey Chiang to show you a few things you should try to avoid doing at all costs. First off, if you're going to lie to a prospective employer and say you've already received an offer from another firm, they then ask for some proof of this offer, and you decide to go ahead and forge an email, try your very best to spell the name of the company correctly. (Although "Bank of Ameria" does have a exotic ring to it, we must admit.) And if a bank offers to fly you into town for an interview, do not insist to the travel agent making the arrangements that you have to stay at the Four Seasons. It's not 2004! [Dealbreaker]